Les Clébards Enragés

in #life5 years ago (edited)

“Therefore whatsoever ye have spoken in darkness shall be heard in the light; and that which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed upon the housetops.” -- Luke 12:3 KJV

One of the advantages of having an audience is that people hear you. Whether you speak about fun topics and make people smile or serious topics that make people think, viewers and readers keep returning time after time to see what you have to say. Sometimes people get angry at me. Sometimes my words make them cry. But when all is said and done, I seldom write anything that goes unread. For this reason, I want to take a moment to deeply thank everyone who pauses in their busy day to read this post, since it is neither fun nor happy. I feel that it's necessary, though, since one of the main purposes of my existence is to be a voice for those who may not be able to lift theirs above the noise.

Most of my readers know by now that I've spent the last ten years in a cultural and social war zone. Central Appalachia is a community at dire risk of self-destruction and its saddest victims are the innocent and the vulnerable. I've blogged about this, published articles about this, and written a novel about it that, so far, shows every early indication of mainstream success. I'm no rookie when it comes to tackling the tough social problems in America that no one else wants to talk about.

But now I'm in France, and while my experience overall with this country has been pleasant and overwhelmingly positive, I have found myself once again dragged into a community war zone simply because I exist. A neighborhood feud that wasn't originally "my business" became my business when one of the local bullies called into question the health and welfare of my assistance dogs.

Well...if you know me at all, you knew immediately upon reading the last sentence that this bully had no idea who she had just dragged into her petty grievance. However, she is about to find out.

Steem is only my first step. I'm posting here because of the blockchain's indelible nature, but I will also take this to other social media platforms and yes, the authorities of this jurisdiction. There are few things I despise worse than a bully. And to encounter a pack of hyenas like the ones circling my friend "P"... well, let's just say I didn't spend the last decade surrounded by wolves for no reason. I know exactly how to muzzle their yaps, and there are no legal lengths I will not go to in order to accomplish this.

Below are both the original English version of the notice I'll deliver to her personally later today, and a French translation. I don't speak French, can barely say "oui," so I've depended on a native speaker to help me arrange my thoughts into a form that hopefully the instigator of this trouble as well as the entire neighborhood here can understand. It is their right and their choice to say what they wish to whom they wish, to complain and gripe and throw whatever tantrums please them. But make no mistake--it is also my right to document, record, and report every last word and hateful gesture, to write about and share images of their behavior as long as it takes place in or is visible from a public venue. And I will do this until they learn firsthand why cockroaches scurry away to avoid any light that exposes them.

Dear Neighbor at House Number 49:
CC: House Number 45

I understand that you have concerns about my dogs--whether or not they are properly fed and cared for. I own two of the ones you recently complained about. Both are assistance animals with public access rights and the third newcomer, also with extensive training as an assistance animal, belongs jointly to me and another American traveler in France who adopted her from my nonprofit animal rescue in the U.S. Therefore any concerns you have about their well-being should be addressed to me, not your neighbor, who from this point forward will be referred to as “P.”

I owe you no explanations about any care or feeding that I give these “mutts.” But I do encourage you to contact local animal welfare authorities if your concerns are genuine. I can provide extensive veterinary documentation for all of these dogs that was sufficient to satisfy not only their U.S.D.A. accredited veterinarian, but an APHIS veterinarian, airline security, and the French Border Police. If you still wish to challenge this, please deal with me directly from this point forward. I will provide social media contact information in this correspondence.

This brings me to another point. I said in the above paragraph, “if your concerns are genuine.” I’ve observed your property and see no evidence of animals or any interest in animals whatsoever. Curious, considering your keen interest in mine. This personal observation, combined with a history of behavior that was disclosed to me by “P” that includes repeated harrassment on the street involving several other neighbors--one of whom physically pushed “P” in front of her own residence and screamed at her in the street approximately a year ago after she dared ask that someone move the car blocking her garage--leads me to suspect another motive in this case. I also heard about an incident in which you placed rat poison in the "P" garden. It does not matter how long ago that happened -- it is criminal behavior and speaks of a pathological depravity that certainly should be addressed.

Unfortunately for you, if these are indeed petty grievances voiced to hassle someone you perceive as vulnerable, you have presented them in front of someone with more than a decade of dealing with community gossipmongers and troublemakers, who has directly confronted corrupt lawmakers, politicians, and law enforcement officials, written copious documentaries about the experience, several viral social media posts, and a novel that has been hailed in Kirkus Reviews online and print magazine as a “must-read” for 2019. Needless to say, exposing problems is my specialty, and I don’t flinch.

I’m giving you a single opportunity to remain nameless and unidentified by more than a street number. “P” is very much not alone in this world and as you may soon discover, she is a highly undesirable target for harrassment. If you have complaints about “P,” her property or any creature or vegetation on it, please submit it to “P” in writing via certified mail. You will not approach her in the street again, ambush her in public or private, or discuss your concerns with other members of this community without “P’s” presence. There is no “or else” clause in this statement because “P’s” options are numerous, and I will not limit her to only one that I might chose for this correspondence.

A copy of this letter has been given to City Hall, posted and promoted on social media, and published on the blockchain. As I said, you have not been identified by anything more than a house number, and that even without a street or city. This is the last time I will extend to you that courtesy. If you follow the links below, you will discover that I have significant reach as a writer and freelance journalist. I will not hesitate to use any legal means at my disposal to ensure that both subtle and overt harrassment of “P” and her family ceases immediately.

Rhonda Kay
writing as Diane Ryan


Cher voisin du numéro 49:
CC: voisin du numéro 45

Je comprend que vous vous sentiez concerné à propos de mes chiens, au sujet qu'ils soient suffisament nouris ou non. Je posséde deux des quels vous vous étes récemment plaint. Tout deux sont des animaux d'assistance au handicap avec un droit d'accés publique, comme l'ai le troisieme arrivant, qui a aussi reçu un dressage avancé, appartenant à la fois à moi et un autre voyageur Americain en France qui l'a adopté de mon refuge aux États-unis. Par concequant, toute préocupation doivent m'etre adréssé personnelement, pas à votre voisine, qui à partir de maintenant sera nommée “P.”

Je ne vous doit aucune explication au sujet des soins et de l'alimentation que je donne à mes “clébards,” mais je vous encourage à contacter les services de la SPA si vos préocupations sont légitime. Je peux fournir une documentation veterinaire complete pour chacun de ces chiens qui étais non seulement suffisant pour satisfaire un veterinaire américain accrédité USDA, APHIS, mais également la sécurité de la ligne aerienne et de la douane Française. Si vous souhaitez malgrés tout contester cela, s'il-vous-plais contactez moi directement à partir de maintenant. I vous fournis ci-joint mes contacts sur les reseaux sociaux.

Ce qui m'amène à un autre point. J'ai dit écrit dans un précédent paragraphe “si vos préoccupations sont légitimes”. J'ai observé votre propriété et n'est vu aucune trace d'animales ou intérêts aux animaux où que ce soit. Curieux, compte tenu de votre vif intérêt pour les miens. Cette observation personnelle, combiné à l'historique de comportements qui m'ont été révélés par “P" qui inclut des harcèlements dans la rue impliquant d'autres voisins, l'un d'entre eux ayant physiquement tenté de pousser “P” en face de son logement et lui a crié dessus en pleine rue pour avoir osé demander de libérer l'accès de son garage il y a de cela quelques années ayant conduit à l'intervention de la Police. Tout cela me pousse à suspecter un autre motif à cette affaire. J'ai aussi entendu parler d'un incident dans lequel vous avez placé du poison à rat dans le jardin "P". Peu importe il y a combien de temps cela s'est produit, il s'agit d'un comportement criminel et dévoile une dépravation pathologique qu'il serait bon d'adresser.

Malheureusement pour vous, s'il s'agit vraiment de griefs mesquins destinés à harceler une personne que vous considérez comme vulnérable, vous les avez présentées en présence d'une personne avec depuis plus de 10 ans de relations avec des commères et des fauteur de troubles de la communauté. Je me suis directement confronté à des législateurs, des politiciens et des responsables de l'application de la loi corrompus, écrit de nombreux documentaires sur l'expérience, plusieurs publications virales sur les médias sociaux et un roman qui a été salué dans la revue « Kirkus Reviews » sur Internet et papier en tant que «à lire absolument» pour 2019. Inutile de dire que la mise au grand jour des problèmes est ma spécialité et je ne flanche pas en face de la confrontation.

Je vous donne une seule occasion de rester anonyme et non identifié par plus d'un numéro de rue. «P» n'est pas seul au monde, comme vous le découvrirez peut-être bientôt, elle est une cible hautement indésirable pour le harcèlement. Si vous avez des plaintes à propos de «P», de sa propriété ou de toute créature ou végétation sur celle-ci, veuillez la transmettre à «P» par écrit, lettre recommandée. Vous ne l'approcherez plus dans la rue, ne lui tendez pas une embuscade publique ou privée, et ne discuterez de vos préoccupations avec d'autres membres de cette communauté sans la présence de «P». Il n'y a pas de clause "ou bien" dans cette déclaration, car les options de "P" sont nombreuses et je ne la limiterai pas à celle que je pourrais choisir pour cette correspondance.

Une copie de cette lettre a été remise au service de la mairie, publiée et promue sur les médias sociaux et publiée sur une blockchain. Comme je l'ai dit, rien ne vous a plus été identifié que par un numéro de maison et cela même sans rue ni ville. C'est la dernière fois que je vous adresse cette courtoisie. Si vous suivez les liens ci-dessous, vous découvrirez que j'ai une grande portée en tant qu'écrivain et journaliste indépendant. Je n'hésiterai pas à utiliser les moyens légaux à ma disposition pour que le harcèlement à la fois subtil et manifeste de «P» et de sa famille cesse immédiatement.

Rhonda Kay, qui écrit en tant que Diane Ryan.

“Quand on veut noyer son chien, on dit qu'il a la rage." --French proverb
“Until one has loved an animal a part of one's soul remains unawakened.” -- Anatole France

Sounds like you found a "long, lost relative" of the troublemakers you recently left behind. 😕 I always admire when you speak up for those whose voices can't be heard. Bravo for remaining true to your values, even in an unfamiliar setting! (That's part of why we love you so much in PYPT!)

@thekittygirl, no kidding--it all felt soooo familiar. But here's the thing: Michel and I traveled to his family's other place about two hours away, and the situation is completely different. The neighbors are fantastic. I've met the ones on either side of us already and they're the sweetest, kindest people you'd ever want to meet. So the problem is definitely isolated. I just hope that the ones responsible for this situation will get the message loud and clear and take this opportunity to do some of the growing up they've clearly failed to do in the past.

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I like that you put it in French too :P Good to see ya on PYPT and glad you ok over there!

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Thank you to have stepped in on this issue.
Let's hope the perpetrators got the message.

Yes. For their sake, let's definitely hope that. ;-)

If there is anything I can do to help you get situated with your new Steem account, please let me know. I believe you'll find lots of friends here. :-)

Ever wonder if being unanimously surrounded by bad neighbors is an indication that you may be the problem?

That would be my thought if it were myself but I am more of a passive live and let live kinda guy with my neighbors.

Taking action and fixing problems for all is noble and I know you can do it!


Haaa! Yes. The thought has occurred. And I think there's some truth in that, insomuch that I refuse to live life as a doormat and tend to confront issues head on. However, this problem pre-dated my arrival in France. So unless we really are living in the Matrix, I wasn't the cause. Also, I'm working on a post right now that raises that same question: as in, why does the same shit keep happening over and over. Keep an eye out for it. I think I'm onto something here.

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