in #life7 years ago


God is the maker of human life and gives us a manual of life called BIBLE for maximum enjoyment of life. Reading the Bible and obeying its content give us the highest enjoyment of life. By studying and meditating on God's word daily we water our lives and we become fresh like a tree beside steams of water (Psalm 1:2,3).

Manufacturers of electronic gadgets and machines often attach instruction booklet to each of their products to guide users. It is dangerous and strictly punishable to ride in a motor car without training oneself with the traffic code and receiving a license. In the same vein one takes a risk by driving the more complex machinery called the human life without consulting the maker’s manual for proper training and guidance; the Bible is God’s manual of life. This manual given to man is useful in several ways.

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God’s Love Letter to Man

How do you cherish the words of somebody you love very much? You feel like talking a whole week nonstop. God is mankind’s lover and His message in the Bible has to catch the fancy and imagination of man. The degree to which we cherish and use God’s word somehow depicts the degree to which we love God. One who cares little about God’s word more often than not, cares little about God Himself. God tabernacles with those who study and obey His written word in the Bible (John 14:21,23).

Man’s Spiritual Food

The natural human body gets energy for living from natural foods – rice, beans, garri, and meat and so on while the spiritual body – the human soul-feeds on the spiritual food which is the word of God. Physical food keeps the flesh and blood alive and supplies it with the required nutrients for sound health. Spiritual food energizes the soul to live forever. Jesus says, “It is written, ’Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4).

God’s Road Map to Joyful Eternity:

The Bible provides a guide for mankind’s lifelong spiritual trip to eternity. Man whom God created sinned and lost connection with his maker. He began missing the right route to eternal bliss. In His mercy and loving kindness God sent His word through Holy men of God and His Son, Jesus Christ, to guide man on the right path to life. God’s word thus becomes mankind’s road-map to joyful eternity. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped (ready) for every good work.” (2 Timothy 3:16, 17). Ignorance of God’s word makes one stand aloof from God, the maker. Jesus Christ says, “Enter through the narrow way. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow is the road that leads to life and only a few find it” (Matthew 7:13,14). The word of God trains and enlightens the users on how to live in compliance with the rules of the “narrow way” which leads to eternal life.


Man’s offensive weapon of war

The word of God is the Christians’ offensive weapon against Satan and his agents. “Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God” (Ephesians 6:17).


From the Bible we get satisfying answer:

 About the origin of mankind (Genesis 1:26,27)

 About how this world came into being (Genesis 1:1)

 About man’s secret of success(Joshua I:8;Psalm 1:2,3)

 About heaven and hell fire (Matthew 7:13,14;Luke 16:19-26)

 About knowhow of healing the sick (Exodus15:26;Isaiah 53:4,5)

 About origin of marriage (Genesis 2:7,18,20-25)

 About life after death (John 3:16;1John 5:11-13)

Remain Blessed.


© Rev. Fidelis C. Obianozie (2018)DQmRA3GGAmWKHoCnxNez8ox39Ci923QwKQmwbnFGetrMcw1_1680x8400.jpg


Wonderful post! Upvoted and following

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