A Visit to the Butterfly world and Farm Park
This Bank holiday weekend we had nothing much planned. This is the last summer holiday weekend before Rinoy starts school again. So we decided to visit the Butterfly World and Farm Park in Swindon, specially as its only a quick 15 mins drive to the park and its Rinoy's favourite place to visit in Swindon.
Siesta time for these two💤.
Beauty with colours
This reminded me of my childhood days in Goa, it always was fun feeding them 🐓🐓🐓.
Teaching Rinoy how to feed the Goats 🐐🐐🐐. I think, I did a good job👍.
Rinoy excited to see a Donkey for the first time.
Soon after me training Rinoy to feed the Goats, Rinoy was now excited to help his friend feed the Sheeps🐑🐑🐑.
Overall it was a great day out👍,most of all Rinoy was very happy.