The Donald Does Vote FraudsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #life8 years ago (edited)

Will It Get the Attention It Deserves?


Yesterday the MSM peppered Press Secretary Spicer at a press avail with questions about whether Trump (the dolt) really believed he won the popular vote. Spicer demurred. The MSM reporting since then has pretty much ignored everything else to report on this ‘outrageous’ and 'stupid' claim. Never mind that former voting section attorney at the Department of Justice J. Christian Adams said on Fox News:

[W]e have 4 million ineligible and dead voters on American voter rolls, according to the Pew Charitable Trust. That’s too many and it’s going to affect the election.

This morning the Left was faced with another terrifying tweet: Trump says vote fraud is going to be investigated! The whole DNC fainted.

I wrote a letter to the editor a few months back. Election Rigged? You Bet. From that letter:

Vote fraud: Many Democrat ‘activists’ have been prosecuted for fraudulent [voter] registrations. Some fake registrations get through to voter rolls. When one of theirs gets through, they have a free vote. In many places, they can simply download an absentee ballot and mail it in. Alternatively, they can simply drive people around from place-to-place to repeatedly vote, as Democrat’s describe on the Project Veritas tape. Early voting is mostly about getting the fraudulent vote out, because it’s so large it takes time.

Subsequent letters-to-the-editor complained of all the out-of-state license plates at polling locations on Election Day.

The Project Veritas tapes are illuminating and sickening. The first one deals with the organized violence by the Left at Trump rallies. The second documents vote fraud techniques. See e.g. ‘How to Commit Voter Fraud on a Massive Scale’ and video II Vote Fraud embedded therein:

Anyone that hasn’t watched them should. I know who will: the Justice Department. O’Keefe has laid the table for an investigation that is going to roil the Democrat Party.

A couple points on the Election. Democrats brag that Hillary beat The Donald in the popular vote by 2.8 million votes. Guess what – Trump won America by about 2 million votes outside of California, where Hillary’s margin of victory exceeded 4 million. Trump didn’t campaign one wit in California, because it is (as the British call it) a rotten borough. In Cali, drivers’ licenses are given to illegals, and all you need to register to vote in Cali is a drivers’ license. Want’a bet that the lion share of Hillary’s margin of victory came from illegal votes?

Second, for the first time in at least a generation, a Republican (Trump) won Wisconsin by 22,000 votes. Why? Wisconsin’s voter I.D. law was enforced for the first time. Milwaukee County is heavily Dem, with large black ‘communities’. The Dems margin of victory in Milwaukee County dropped by 60,000 votes.


Update: Just in from the Washington Times: Hillary received at least 800,000 votes from illegals!

“A federal voter fraud investigation is long overdue,” Mr. Fitton said. “It would be a simple matter of analyzing voter registration databases against federal databases of aliens and deceased individuals. Why is the left afraid to even ask the questions? The jig is up.”


The problem is that there is currently no evidence of widespread voter fraud, certainly not on a level that would change the outcome of the popular vote. That isn't to say it is impossible for there to have been that much voter fraud, just that as of right now there is no evidence of that. Ineligible voters get left on the rolls because they moved or died or whatever and just aren't taken off in a speedy matter. It does mean that every one of them turns into a vote. This is pretty easy to investigate though as someone has to sign in when they vote so there will be a record if someone voted who was not supposed to.

I checked out the voter registration requirements in California and this is what you need:

Your California driver license or California identification card number,
The last four digits of your social security number and
Your date of birth.

It does state that citizenship is required so I would assume this information is used to verify that though I do not know that to be the case.

At any rate, I hope there is an investigation and this issue can be put to rest one way or the other.

Hi Darth, Cali driver licenses have the birth date on them, but I didn't know you have to supply the last 4 of your SS. Sorry for that error.

Consider the 2000 and 2004 presidential elections in Wisconsin. The Dems won by exceedingly thin margins, less than Trumps 22K I think. Most people that have thought about it (like the Milwaukee police department) think that voter fraud swung those elections. Voter I.D. in Wisconsin this year appeared to affect the outcome. So, evidence of voter fraud or not? Also the Veritas stings. It's clear they think their activities might swing an election. Franken stole his Senate seat from Coleman, and Stevens lost his Alaskan Senate seat because of a fake indictment by the Feds.

Kennedy stole the election from Nixon, but I don't know of any national election thereafter that was stolen (Dems may argue Bush-Gore). But I believe that the Reps will have a much better chance if basic election integrity (like voter I.D., ending same-day registration, and cleaning up the voter registration roles) is in place.

Thanks for you thoughtful comment.

I think Trump's appeal to the blue collar middle class had more to do with the shift in Wisconsin than anything. Regardless, voter fraud can't be assumed though if there is sufficient reason to investigate then I am all for it. The Veritas stings are anecdotal at best but they might be reason enough for a more thorough investigation. I have no doubt that there are always isolated incidents of people voting when they shouldn't be, but is there organized fraud? Like I said, it shouldn't be hard to go back and determine how many votes were from people who should not have been voting and put an end to the debate once and for all. This has been done in the past in areas where voter fraud was suspected (I can't remember specifically where off hand) but no evidence was ever found that any widespread voter fraud existed.

I'm a supporter of voter ID laws though. The idea put forward by Democrats that these amount to disenfranchisement is absurd.

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