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RE: Never Judge People

in #life5 years ago

Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgement ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
Matthew 7:1-2

These are the words of Jesus himself, from the Sermon on the Mount, as related by the disciple Matthew. One of the reasons I can no longer be a Christian is because so many who call themselves such choose to ignore passages like this, and simply use their religion as a cloak to excuse and sanctify their own narrow-minded bigotry.

But I do not quote these words to you as religious instruction. I offer them as a pragmatic observation on how to get along with people. One of the beauties of Matthew 7 is that most of it is not really about religion, but simple practical advice on living together in a community.


Sounds like Jesus said not to use bidbots and use thy own metrics! lol 👍👍

Dear @coininstant

cool comment.

You seem to be quite obsessed with bots :)


@coininstant ... I see many people against bid bots. The question arises, why we have bidbots available? Why these whales have invested so heavily in steem? I believe they are here to make money if this purpose is not served they will leave this platform i.e. to take out the investment which is not beneficial for steem obviously.

Please help me by explaining the purpose of bidbots and how you see this as abuse when bidbots exist legally on steemit?

The reason is it is so easy to transact directly with the blockchain, and there is nothing to stop the bots. We can use many programs, i.e. steempy which I was working with today, they are set up with python and so it makes programming easier! It is not all that bad, just shifts the money around. If I were you I would not worry about them, and just concentrate on creating more good content! Because u used the bot it helped trend your post so I got to read your post and learn, so there is benefit. If no bot, none of these interactions may have occurred. Heres the rule, if you work hard on your post generally it will be accepted by most of the community if you use bidbits. No worries, Im not really going after anyone, I realized there is a pro and a con to everything. The truth is I am totally into bots, emersed, I work on programming bots 12 hours every day minimum! That is why I went bot crazy, I became over saturated!
See heres an example how easy it is to get steem info right from my terminal.

2019-06-09 14:59:17 ☆ nickademous in ~
± |master ↑1 ↓2 S:387 U:367 ?:474 ✗| → steempy importaccount coininstant
Account Passphrase:
Importing active key!
Importing posting key!
Importing memo key!

So as you can see from here I can now vote, post, downvote, automate with a robot programmed all in my terminal! All the bidbot does is take the memo and vote for a post in the memo after a payment. A bidbot is boiled down to a few lines of code in reality these days and anybody an operate one!

Update, Use beempy instead of steempy! Beempy is all working!!

Thanks for the info, this info is flying over my head and I hope I will be able to catch up after working on it ;)

Would you mind sharing the link for beempy and steempy :)


Dear @coininstant

One of very first things that I would suggest to reduce impact of bidbots is to introduce maximum value of upvote.

Basically it's very sick and unfair system when huge player can give 10 powerful votes a day. With growth of STEEM POWER we shouldn't have only stronger votes. We should mostly have "more" upvotes available (with some maximum power).

That would force people to distribute their curation efforts and would definetly be a huge hit for bidbots.


Love your comment @redpossum

@redpossum - Humanity is the biggest religion for me and good to know about this, "One of the beauties of Matthew 7 is that most of it is not really about religion, but simple practical advice on living together in a community."

Dear @redpossum

Thank you for this amazing comment and for taking the time to share your thoughts with us.

I always appreciate it a lot. Have an easy monday :)

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