Think About Your Well Being : The Benefits Of Reading

in #life6 years ago


Reading plays a very important role for our personal development.

Reading can greatly contribute to improving and benefiting our mind. Whatever your age, reading is one of the best investments that can bring you a lot of success in your life. If you are not used to reading yet, it means that you do not know the treasure that is hidden in reading ! and I would be happy to show you some of the benefits of this treasure that everyone can have.

1. If you read daily you will develop your memory and improve your cognitive abilities :


When you carefully read a book you create new synapses (links between neurons) and this will automatically increase your information retention capabilities.

Take for example a novel, when you are reading, you imagine the elements of the book (Faces, Places, Colors, ....) and you stimulate your mind and your imagination. This stimulation prevents your brain from losing its abilities because the brain is a muscle that needs training to function well like all other muscles in the body.

For this reason, all specialists recommend reading as the best way to avoid Alzheimer's disease.

So ! To develop your memory and cognitive abilities do not forget to add to your daily program at least an hour of reading.

2. Reading is an effective solution if you suffer from stress and anxiety and also improves the quality of sleep :


When you read, you force your brain to focus on one thing only (you live the present moment) you forget all your daily problems, your mind becomes more and more quiet which improves your state of anxiety.

It does not matter what kind of books you read, but I recommend you choose books that are related to personal development, so that you enjoy even more, personally when I started reading this kind of books I felt a radical improvement in my life.

If you have problems with insomnia, reading can help you. Try to read something you like before you sleep, the accumulated tension will disappear and you will feel a calming of your mind and falling asleep will become very easy. Avoid reading with the computer or mobile phone because the screens are bad for sleep and excite more than they appease.

If you are not used to reading regularly, know that it is normal to have reading difficulties at the beginning ! but do not worry : Reading is learned and there are techniques to start reading :

  • The first technique is to find a topic that interests you and that you like a lot.
  • You have to choose a suitable place, a place for reading, peaceful and pleasant in which you can concentrate.
  • Dedicate a moment of your day to reading : for example in the evening before going to bed to help fall asleep or in the morning in transport.
  • Adopt a good position : you have to sit comfortably to enjoy your book.

    All recent studies show that we can not be healthy and happy if we do not have time to take care of ourselves.
    It is important to take care of your mind by reading as you do to take care of your body through sports and nutrition.

    All images from Pixabay


    Thank you for reading, I wish a successful life to everyone.




Ah, the power of reading! I'm reminded of reminded of this bit from an article on Warren Buffet:
"Read 500 pages like this every day," Buffett said to the students, while reaching toward a stack of manuals and papers. "That's how knowledge works. It builds up, like compound interest. All of you can do it, but I guarantee not many of you will do it."

Very nice post, thanks.

I try to read every day, but should maybe switch from fantasy to self improvement, especially since that is what I aspire to.

In a past i used to read a lot but now I dont have so much time - i need to admit that memory are not do good like before. According to your post i will try to reading more regurally. Thanks for motivation :)

Posted using Partiko Android

make sure to read with books, not on mobile ebooks.

Knowledge is Powerful!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Uno de los mayores problemas que existe en la actualidad en contra del hábito de la lectura de libros es que dedicamos demasiado tiempo o casi todo nuestro tiempo libre al uso de computadoras y celulares.

I recommend one is called the Reina Reina 1960 Bible

Great article. As cliché as it sounds, my new year's resolution was to read more, specifically one book per month. I agree the book needs to be something you are interested in. For instance for me, I enjoy topics books about spirituality and personal development, and I should stick to these.

Personally, I like holding a physical book instead of reading something online, easy to get distracted through notifications.

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