How Selfish Are You?
Selfish people don't reciprocate
Selfish people don't reciprocate the effort you put into a relationship. They may also ignore boundaries and guidelines that you set. It's important to set limits when dealing with this kind of person and to express how you feel about the matter. However, selfish people can also have personality disorders like narcissism, which makes it more difficult to maintain a healthy relationship with them.
Selfish people can be very frustrating to have around and can be emotionally draining. If you're dealing with this type of person, you should consider therapy. These people are typically immature and self-centered. If you find yourself having to put up with their selfishness, it's best to separate yourself from them.
They don't care about others
Selfish people have diminished awareness of the world around them. This is a symptom of immaturity. The self-centered behavior of these individuals is harmful to others as well as to themselves. People with a tendency to be self-centered are like a beeping fire alarm, which they cannot control. However, there are ways to teach a selfish person to care more about others.
Selfishness has many forms. In some cases, it is a form of defense against unpleasant feelings. These feelings are insecurity, fear, shame, and disappointment. These people have exact standards for themselves, and they believe that perfection is the absence of pain.
They don't pay their fair share in a relationship
A self-centred person wants everything to be their way, which makes it difficult for them to share responsibilities and do things for the other person. Selfish people are also not interested in listening to what their partner is saying or doing, and will often interrupt or talk over them.
Selfish people never feel satisfied with what they've achieved and are always trying to one-up others. They measure success purely in terms of money and are always talking about themselves. They are also unkind and never reciprocate good deeds.
They don't ask for feedback
When you're with a selfish person, you may notice that they don't often ask for feedback. They feel that what they have to say doesn't matter, and that others have opinions that are more valuable than theirs. Selfish people also often neglect to call family or friends to find out how they're doing, which makes it easy to fall out of touch with them.
The next time you're with a friend, take a moment to listen. Maybe your friend needs something and feels uncomfortable asking for help. Perhaps he or she needs your opinion on something, but is too embarrassed to ask for it. Try to listen and offer to help if you can. Getting feedback from others can help you improve your communication skills.