Focusing On What You Can Change About Yourself

in #life4 years ago

Many people make the mistake of focusing on what they can change instead of focusing on what they should change. If you are like most people, that is a bad habit to get into. There is nothing wrong with wanting to improve yourself and being focused on what you can change rather than focusing on what you shouldn't change. It is just a different type of focus and there are some things you should know about that focus.

You see, sometimes focusing on what you can change can be just as bad as not focusing at all. Why? Because if you want to change something about yourself, you have to really want it. For instance, if you want to start working out, you need to have the will power and motivation to actually get started. If you don't have these two things, no amount of focus on what you can change will help.

Now, let's talk about the second part of focusing on what you can change. If you don't have the motivation and the willpower, change is pretty much out the window. If you are not one hundred percent behind whatever it is that you are trying to change, you are just going to flounder along. And that is never a good thing. So, how do you get around this? How do you focus on what you can change and not get so distracted by focusing on what you shouldn't change?

The answer is to just ignore what you can't change and focus on what you can change. This is similar to someone in a great relationship, who ignore the things that aren't working and focus on the things that are working. That is a form of focus and change. If you want to change something about yourself, a lack of focus is your first problem and then focus on changing whatever it is that is causing you to lack focus.

Is this easier said than done? Unfortunately, yes. But it is possible to do. What you need to do is to find a way to create more focus by using focus and imagination.

When you create focus on what you can change, you have to think about what you want to change. What is preventing you from reaching your goals? Is it something physical or is it something mental? Once you have identified the cause, you can easily eliminate it. For example, let's say that you want to work more hours but you are not able to push yourself because you always fall asleep right before you have to be at work. Well, that is a physical block that you can easily remove by imagining that you are working.

Once you have identified the cause of your inability to focus, you can focus on what you can change about yourself so that you can become more effective at focusing. By changing anything about yourself that is hindering your success, you will be able to achieve your goals. Whether that is learning another language or taking a vacation to a far-off location, it all starts by focusing on what you can change in yourself.

A great way to use visualization in order to focus on what you can change about yourself is to visualize your new lifestyle after achieving your goals. This will allow you to picture the life that you want. By seeing yourself enjoying all that you are now doing you will be able to see yourself in the future being even more successful. It is really that easy. So put aside the nagging doubt in your mind and focus on what you can change.

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