My story: I was angry when I was hungry
One day, at evening time, I was walking in the streets of old city of Amman before 30 years back, I was happy, hungry to eat any type of our traditional food, I was working like donkey from 5 am morning till 7 pm evening in building a PVC factory , and I was traveling daily by company bus more than 200 km from factory to the middle of old city in the downtown , then , I saw the old restaurants with Falafel pots with hot oil, I was delighted to get a very nice falafel roll with salad from an old restaurant we call it “Abu-hijleh-in sector SAMER-Hwf-Up-Mc-CfA” in Arabic " مطعم ابو حجلة بيهوف بقهوة الرافع بوسط البلد" and I was happy to taste the nice roll, when suddenly I was getting a strange taste in my mouth, what, what the fuck is happening, what is this taste, fuck, fuck, fuck, it is like nicotine fuck -----fuck ----fuck….
@#Xg5a%%$#@zAty%^&&$#@bvnut^^&$#@!7eaK%^$#@!*&^% what I saw was a funnel of a cigarette قمع سيجارة fuck it man I was very angry, and I went back to the seller, to the cashier , shouting on him ….. What is this, there is cigarette funnel cooked inside the falafel roll, what is this man, I hate the taste and you must return back my money.
He was laughing, and said “are you crazy, no money return, it is a joke from you, and I will not return any funds” , I became more and more angry and as I was hungry I slapped him on his face hardly, and he was speaking in a very load voice then he began to shout on my face in words not Arabic (&^$%$##@GDJH^%$#$$$NX2qL^^$@!!&^f1R@@##$$32$$%&(&^%) and he took one big Knife from his side and he was trying to stab me with a large kitchen knife, but I was very skinny and fast and the blow went beyond him, but I felt something spicy coming out of my right shoulder and when I turned my face to see what this pain and pain was and found someone else inside the restaurant had come out and carried Knife and hit me by the back and I felt pain and fell on the ground and I try to keep away from them and blood coming out of my shoulder and fainted on me
I woke up after a certain time I do not know how many people around me I was blinded and I was saying and I say unclear words in Arabic but the two people from the restaurant were speaking in a non-Arabic language ^^%& k1B#$%^Xqcu&&^%$$#@aQ ^^%$$#@)(*&^%$# like I was trying to understand what they say to people and I am on the ground The police came heavily armed with an ambulance and I was taken to a government hospital. The two men were with me in the ambulance, a policeman and a nurse. I had severe pain in my back, my right shoulder, my clothes torn and blood everywhere.
I had decided to start talking and to you from the pain I had been silent and I see the nurse put my oxygen and my chest with a medical needle with a liquid and fainted again and when I was in the operating room and the doctor over my head laughing and tell me how are you Are you better Now and then I could not speak Arabic, and I spoke words that were not clear and I was breaking the day I asked for this meal
After a few hours I got out of the bungee and my mother, my brothers and the police found my father in my room in the hospital and the two people from the restaurant with my brother the lawyer talking and I can not move and they are not supposed to be jailed by these two guys from the restaurant but they were with my family in the room and The police with my father and all the happy I got up
What happened?
The policeman told me we would wait for Dr.'s arrival
After a few minutes and I was not receptive to what entered the doctor and examined me and examined my chest and back and said thanks god wound and put it good !! And we will recommend that it comes out after two days
My father, my mother, what happened?
My father told me that I was tired and I entered the restaurant and I was mad at the quality of the food and I had to beat the owner of the restaurant and when I tried to get away from him when he pulled the ketchup tray from the stairs I had to touch the new frying spoons until I fainted and fell on the ground
Which entered the right shoulder from the back and that the second employee tried to pull it from my shoulder but because of my anger I prevented him and I stitched it into my chest from the back
I swear it was a knife in his hand and not a box of ketchup
I swear he was the second person who stabbed me with a knife in the back
But the police confirm that I hit myself by mistake with an iron spatula
After this day I have not come down to the demographic market since 30 years have passed