First they ignore you....then they laugh at you...

in #life7 years ago

Tonight I shall tell you a story. It's a very familiar story for crypo-people and I think you'll appreciate the irony of it all and how, sometimes, life plays a funny game and all you can do is laugh.

It all starts with a friend of mine who decides that crypto is the future. Well, she doesn't just decide, she's persuaded by yours truly ( or maybe just bored of my think I write too much here? HA! ) and she goes home to her husband and it's like:

Dude, let's get some! I heard this crypto thing is going places! BTC, ETH, really. Good ideas!

The reaction was as expected as it was familiar:


and then he said, the words we dread the most to hear when we talk crypto:

PONZI much?!

OUCH! That one must have hurt. But this does not stop here. This guy starts to actually have fun with it:

Oh, yes, yes, crypto! The coins of geeks, the digital money that will make us all rich and wealthy. Who sold you this fantasy because that guy knows shit! No, really, it's hilarious, you guys MINE them like gold?
"Hahahaha" he continued. "GOLD. That guy must be smart :D" and left.

I mean that's how I see it in my mind as told by my friend. She was upset. I was upset. It was an all round bad situation but what can we do?
Everybody is free to make their own decisions.
Just don't pick on people. That's just RUDE.
This was about 1 month ago.


Actually it was end of April 2017!

What I love about this story is how fast things turned. You know what happened next, right?
Crypto went to 100billions valuation, eth, steem, btc exploded and our minds with it. Good times, sure..if you HODL something! Anything, really.

So about 2 weeks ago, the hubby want to start mining, he thinks crypto will run the world, blockchain is the future!! Why doesn't he has MORE COINS?!?!


It's a bit ironic. Because the answer is simple: because you laughed at people who tried to tell you about it!!
I mean, that's something that keeps me from talking about crypto with a lot of people I think they'd be interested in. I don't deal well with this kind of behavior and certainly not when it's directed at my friends. Still, it's good to see that sometimes, there's a bit of fairness.

Now the hubby is a converted - which actually I like - but can't do much. Mining gear is sold out, mining itself is expensive, coins are more expensive. But what can you do?
Maybe remember it's still early! <--- not investing advice!

As for us, we didn't gain anything from people who are missing out on crypto or missed out despite our efforts to get them in. We did our best, we tried our best and we will too. Soon. I'll write something about that, because I am huge believer in SHARING knowledge and helping people navigate the weird, treacherous and insane crypto-waves. I don't ask for anything.
Just don't laugh in my face.

At then end, all my friend had, was a most satisfying I TOLD YOU SO!.
I wish them well and welcome to our world :)


Word's biggest TOLD YOU SO smirk

PS: Worth noting that there's no finish line. Who knows, maybe down the line crypto will be replaced by something even better or more groundbreaking. I do not know. In the end, maybe THEY WIN. But Tonight, can we at least smile?

I know you have a story very similar with this! Looking forward to read some in the comments :)


that's something that keeps me from talking about crypto with a lot of people I think they'd be interested in. I don't deal well with this kind of behavior and certainly not when it's directed at my friends

Story of my life. At least the few couple of years.

Your story reverberates in my experience as well, though I haven't yet drawn my super happy grin yet! ;)

When everyone wins, there's no point in forcing anyone to jump in, they'll simply come when they're ready. This weekend, over $10K came my way to invest into STEEM! I guess people are starting to notice that this platform is not only powerful, but it works.

All for one and one for all! Namaste :)

that's pretty cool perspective and actually a good way to look at things! congratulations.


You did good by buyung 10k worth of steem! And test imagine gow much eveyon win s when we have trillion dollar cryptocurrency marketcap o o!!! And can I ask favor favor? now that you have like 25 cent upvotes CS can u help much friends from Africa? @tj4real and my local news friend struggling struggling to start but posting sl dat everyday @monkimo I gotta help em start!

I have the same experience as you do. But I am the one who are told about crypto. At first I was wondering what crypto is and why my friends keep bringing me to the topic. And gradually I learnt more and more about it and realised this will be the trend in the future. At the moment I should really say thanks to my buddies for bringing me to the new world.

I have encountered such people more times than i woukd care to admit actually 80%0 of people i tell about crypto the just resort to calling me nerd or geek and shoosh my conversation immediately. I'm used to it by now.

Yep I've had the same experience lol. And then more recently - A few friends who DID get excited and decided to open up a bitcoin wallet, had to wait days for the bitcoin I sent lol! Glad to see more and more options out there every day in terms of altcoins and innovations.... #TheBestIsYetToCome #TheFutureIsNow

We all can relate to that story. I've learned to only approach people I know that are passionate about a specific topic (let's say poetry), show them some posts that have paid out "believable" amounts.

Then show them a transaction of mine where I turned SBD into $300 USD. This recipe has worked better for me.

It does seem to me that S TE EEMITis an almost ideal tool to match disbelievers to a clear sense of possibility. I can't agree with you more on this.

VEry good idea, man!
I love it.

that's a good approach .@scaredycatguide. if it's too much, they might feel overwhelm and lash back . dig the crypto talk art.

ME too! Whenever I show Steve it to someone new I show off a bunch of my smaller posts and then I'll be all end up looking at a few expensive posts of my own as I scroll down my own blog feet and that will usually impress them especially when they see my post because they're in the $.50 to $20 range usually but I do have some that have been over $50 and those really impressed People especially my pictures of Weed and weed plants no one thought that a picture of a marijuana plant could ever make that much money at the medical dispensary that I get my legal weed from but everyone at the dispensary was amazed that they could get that much money hundreds of dollars now on the cannabis Steve it category but it's true there's pictures on the candidates Steemit it category every day they get up to $100

But yet you got to be careful and don't show beginners to the main trending page because you'll end up selling them all these posts and get over $1000 sometimes 2000 now which is just crazy and people think that they could never get that much for the posts and they're bright they would need to buy a lot of steam power and get a lot of followers before they would start making $1000 posts but it is possible I have seen people get a lot of followers steam power make no posts and then make the first post after they've already gotten like 1000 followers it's very small smart and @thejohalfiles and @gigafart are planning to do this I'm pretty sure

I have told countless people about cryptos and in particular Bitcoin and they made jokes of it. But it's out of fear of looking stupid as I think they think it's not possible to have things this good or easy.

At this stage I've just given up talking about crypto at work. They jokingly ask me how my tulips are doing. I just tell them I made a tonne on the last bubble when I sold up, but oh well I wish I had held onto them.

I realised that there is a certain amount of envy involved in their entrenched position. I was a little overzealous in the early days and now I am definitely "that guy".

Is that bad to be overzealous? that's another word for passionate? :)

I've always been accussed of been passionate.. I'm just one of those people. I guess maybe I've worn them all out with my enthusiasm :D

haha. well said. don't be sorry, man :)

I stopped bothering with the haters since 2012. Let them be

If you ain't got no haters you ain't poppin lol ;) :)

exactly :)

Yes I made a Facebook post 2 months ago to all my friends telling them I would answer questions if they have them and that they should buy bitcoins now. Then a couple days ago I did the I told you so but it's not too late post! I just wanted to help everyone out, but it's so hard get people to care!!

It's not too late, never too late! :)

Nice title, it really goes great with your blog.

I also likes how you shared your story. It gave me something to relate to, and im sure a lot of other people too.

means a lot thanks!