If You Don't Have Goals You'll Hate Yourself Later
The best way to prevent yourself from hating yourself later is to set goals now. The more specific they are, the better. People with clear goals tend to do better in life than those without. In addition, they have a better sense of accomplishment.
If you hate yourself for any reason, it's important to realize that you're not alone. You can reach out to a friend or professional to get some help. Determine what you want to change about yourself and why you want to do it. Then, work towards achieving those goals.
You should have short-term and long-term goals. Setting deadlines helps you stay focused and motivated. It also forces you to get started on a project. It's also helpful to keep track of your goals and reward yourself when you reach them.
People with low self-esteem tend to focus on what went wrong. But it won't change anything if you keep feeling bad about it. Instead of living in the past and hoping for better days, focus on the future. Look up to others who have achieved success and be inspired by their example. However, avoid comparing yourself to them.
Some people choose not to set goals because they don't have enough time. They believe they don't have enough time to write down their goals, review them frequently, and change their habits. However, this is not an excuse. Instead, try to find something you love to do and focus on it. By doing so, you will be able to create, produce, and follow your passion.
You can learn to forgive yourself for your mistakes. You can also learn to forgive other people, especially those who have hurt you. But forgiving yourself won't happen overnight. Initially, you'll have to acknowledge your mistakes and work on making amends.
Self-hate often comes from a sense of inadequacy. When a person doesn't feel good enough, it causes them to become hopeless. Moreover, they often feel guilty and ashamed. This negative self-image often leads to depression.
Self-hatred people have a tendency to isolate themselves from positive people. Ruda advises those who want to love themselves to surround themselves with happy, healthy people. The more people around them that are healthy, happier, and more positive, the better their relationship with themselves will be.