10 Self Improvement Tips That Will Change Your Life

in #life8 years ago

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Fortunately, we live in a day and age where not everything is about us. We seek to improve not only our lives, but the lives of others, as well. While this is more commonplace these days, it is still sometimes a struggle to create this mindset as a way of being rather than return to old habits.

Old habits and patterns are sometimes hard to break. We may wish them away and want to do better and be more, but without practical tips and advice along with the creation of new habits, we remain stuck in the same old place.
If you’re looking to become a better you the following thirty tips will smooth the transition and have you creating new habits in no time at all.

  1. Take Time for You – While you might associate being a better person with doing more for others, the truth is you need to take time for yourself in order to be that better person. If you are burned out and stressed, you will not be a positive contribution to anyone. Taking time out for yourself is not selfish; it gives you the opportunity to refresh your own wellbeing.

  2. Create Daily Me Time – Once you understand that taking time out for yourself is a contribution then it’s time to schedule it. It is important to keep your integrity to yourself when declaring your “me” time. Set aside some time daily. If you are like most, this may seem near impossible; but guess what? You can find 15 minutes every day.

  3. Be Dedicated to Your Personal Time Now – If you don’t respect your personal time, no one else will. Take your 15 minute meditation time in the morning or your daily time out on the front stoop just listening to nature; read a spiritual book like the Book of Psalms which will take you a few mere moments every day.

  4. Let Others Know You are Serious about Your Personal Time – Once you have an established amount of time and set time of day, let everyone know you have a big, “Do Not Disturb” sign on your back. It’s fifteen minutes a day for goodness sake. Everyone will survive without you for a while.

  5. Choose How You Start Your Day – You can choose to start your day grumpy and irritable or you can choose to start your day grateful that you were given another chance to enjoy life and love. The choice is always yours. Choose to wake up declaring out loud a few things you are grateful for and watch how this daily habit changes your day and your life.

  6. Start a Gratitude Journal – When you are feeling overwhelmed, grab a journal and write down your feelings – even if they are negative. Then, give it a new spin. For example, even though I didn’t get the promotion I wanted, I now know what the process is and what I need to work on to better my chances before I put in for the next promotion. I am exactly where I am supposed to be in this moment and am grateful for the great things to come.

  7. Practice Journaling Randomly – Journaling releases negativity and toxicity from your body, soul and mind. However, journaling also resets your mindset. Don’t just fill a journal with negative stuff. If your romantic partner makes you smile or performs a kind gesture, write it down. It will give you something to look at when you miss them or are really mad at them in the moment.

  8. Keep Positive People Close to You – Your attitude will directly affect your day; so if you are being sour and negative, your day will spiral into a sour and negative day. Keep positive friends close by and reel them in when you need a boost. Don’t be ashamed of your bad moods, just take responsibility for them. Grab a friend, talk about it and then let it go.

  9. Keep Negative People out of Your Bubble – You will never rid yourself of all the negative people in your life. After all, some of them are your employers, co-workers and family members. You can, however, keep them at a distance while enclosing yourself in a more protected bubble. You don’t have to let their negativity into your space. Make a choice to slowly distance yourself from them and know that their negativity has nothing to do with you; it’s their stuff don’t own it for yourself.

  10. Choose Your Filters Wisely – If you read negative stories, watch the news and get involved in gossip, you will most likely end up with negative thoughts. After all, negative stories are what so much of these things focuses on these days. Choose what books, music and television you let in. Stop ‘hanging out’ on social networking gossip sites and take responsibility for your own actions.


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