Treasure In The Guise of Mother

in #life7 years ago


My courage, my inspiration,my motivation, the reason of my origin, my mentor, my life coach, and the source of my existence: yes she is my mother what Mercy and blessings I have in the guise of my mother! . She is also like ordinary people as she is not a Superwoman, but in her own as an individual she passes her own kind of uniqueness, beauty,compassion,and humbleness. Anyone can be mother, a woman, but no one can be exact her, everyone can not be my mother so yes she is different in in this way, She is the one and only and the most adorable, respectful, and lovely woman.

In fact, I do not remember when I start loving her maybe it's from the first day I came in this world or maybe even more earlier when I was in her womb. when I was not an individual but her part. Whatever the thing is I just remember, I kept loving her and so she. Her love is unconditional she is the giver, who always love to give her family, her children without expecting anything in return.

In addition, Allah has blessed me with one of the most precious Treasure in his Locker, and yes! she is my mama. I am grateful and thankful of Allah Almighty for blessing me one of the most colorful and lovely gift on Earth. I am so lucky that I have my mother by my side.


On the other hand, when she is ill, she is the one who work in illness, and take cares of her family members even when she needs care! .She totally forget herself and leave herself behind and her first priority is her family,and her children. Even as a person she also dreamt so many dreams. She also have goals and ambitions. But the movement she became a mother everything just leaves behind. Then her children's are her first priority. Thus are dreams and goals are her dreams and goals, and our achievements are her achievements, our happiness is her happiness, and our pain is her pain. As a mother she neglect her self and help us in chasing our goals.

Moreover I think that the most important person in every bodies life, is obviously their mother. Because she is the person who raised Us up, supported us in every situation. Every child's role model are the parents, my role model is my mother, and I know I can never be like her, no matter how much I try.

It is about few years ago when I was completely ignorant of the importance of having Mother by my side, or the significance of having her in my life. Then suddenly things starts changing slowly, and Moment by moment. But it kept teaching me, and when today I am writing about it, it's just because I have realised the worth of having my mumma. As I am growing up, I am observing people, and I am so shocked that people are so selfish and hypocrite. And when I stoped believing and started feeling hopeless and lost my path so there was a person showing a candle in the darkness. Who restores my faith and gave me birth twice. It is so beautiful to telling you people, she was no other, but my mother my love at first sight.


Further, sometimes I think how can one be so responsible and loving, but then I saw her! and I believed. I was the person who did not believe "Love is blind" and then I saw her, that how blindly she loves me, a mothers love for her child and I believed. I am not a good son, I also shout, argue, and behave badly. But all in all important thing is, i apologize ,and whenever she do things for me like gave me food, when I came from University, so I say thank you mama I love you! . So appreciate her efforts and return her love and care as she do for you.

Mother is a blessing so take care of your mother. Do not hurt her ,or leave her. Because she is the one who makes your existence possible the way you are. If sometimes she fails in something, do not blame her. Because no one is perfect my dear! . She is also human, but yes she is mother ,and it's a Holly relation. So take care of. her love, but first is respect her, respect her,and respect her. Otherwise without respect your love is of no use. Respect because she is the one who bears pain, who brought up you, who sacrifices her sleep, her beauty, and health for the sake of you. I do not understand what makes mother to love her child that much. where everything becomes secondary when she compare it with her baby.

In last, I just want to say take care of her otherwise when she will not be with you, you will regret. But you cannot help it so take care of her. Mama all the colors of my life belongs to you, love you to the moon and back!

