The r0ach report 32: On the Jewish question

in #life7 years ago

Lately, due to the extent of the crimes perpetrated by this tribe, whether they be financial (no link needed there), their disproportionate role in horrific crimes like organ trafficking, their monopolization of media to churn out a continuous stream of lies, or the fact something like 74% of the "#metoo" sex crimes were perpetrated by Jewish males, a lot of people who don't identify as alt-right, or even shitlibs themselves are starting to question: Just what the hell is going on with the Jews?

"The jews are in fact a problem, and there is no good solution to it. Wiping them out would be wrong on a moral basis because they are simply trying to survive, but that doesn't change that they are actively undermining our culture to our detriment."

The course of action advocated by the individual above is essentially do nothing. But is "do nothing" a valid course of action?

If you let them stay, they form a state within a state of your host nation through extreme nepotism, and then practice subterfuge against the very people who let them in while trying to economically enslave them. No nation survives an enemy within the gates. Other groups practice nepotism as well, but that nepotism usually stops at something like creating a family business. The Jews are entirely different. They have a set of fake religious doctrine originating from the Pharisees that claims they're "god's chosen people" and the "goyim" are supposed to be their slaves, and that's exactly what they attempt every single time.

You see, the middle east has always been a shithole obssessed with slavery. Even during the Roman days when white slaves held by white slave masters were big, the semites were still the biggest slave traders around. Judaism is nothing more than an evil cult with origins from this antediluvian period. It's no coincidence that usury is just an obfuscated form of slavery in practice. That's just the Jew's attempt to refine his semitic-based slave trade. It's all these people know. They've done it for thousands of years now.

If you kick these people out of your country, like people have done over 100 different times now, they simply reorganize in a new country, infilitrate it's economy, media, and institutions, then attempt to trick their new hosts into waging war to enact revenge upon you. They're trying to do it to Russia as we speak. This is the basis of the so called final solution. They came to the conclusion that if you don't wipe out this evil cult completely, they'll cause endless war and death for every country on the planet.


"The Cyrodil citizens know!"

You are my favorite goyim! Its nice to see you posting again, a lot of people on irc have been asking about you.

I haven't been a major follower of your articles. But my question is: Isn't Judaism just a religion? A "cult", as you put it.
That means that you can renounce Judaism and convert to it.

So thus you do not advocate for mass extermination in a Hitlerian way, but rather destruction of the ideas.

On Bitcointalk, you said that they would self-destruct, as they have done many times before (having been kicked out of countries). Yet they are still here?

What is a valid course of action? Need any be taken?

Jeb! 2020 lol

I define it as an evil cult. Some will claim it's a race, but that's only if you accept the Ashkenazi represent all of Judaism, and there's clearly all kinds of different groups mixed in there. If you were to claim there's only one true group of biological Jews, the Ashkenazi would likely not be it either.

Even if you're going to pull the diaspora card, this one sub-group called Ashkenazi seem to have hijacked the whole thing nowadays and dwarf out the other diaspora groups or whatever you want to call them. Then you also have the Hofjuden who intermarried with European royalty.

The only two real words to describe this thing are either cult or tribe. Tribe is a loose affiliation of people where they probably have some form of homogeneity or ethnocentric majority, but are not actually required to all be of the same race or related really. People can come and go from a tribe or cult at any time.

The other option is of course mafia: people who are affiliated solely for criminal activities -
which does apply to many Jews in finance and things like human organ trafficking. Then as soon as anyone attempts to confront them, all of the useful idiot Jews who are not financial criminals (all 2 of them) start spamming "remember the 6 trillion!" and cover for them.

But if it's built into their doctrine that they're the "chosen ones" and the "goyim" are cattle slaves, then it's not simply a sub-group mafia problem, but anyone self identifying as Jewish would be part of an evil cult as far as the outside world is concerned, and would have to be destroyed before they destroy you. Sort of like "the borg" from Star Trek.

It's clear screwing over "the goyim" for personal gain is sanctioned in many texts of Judaism, whether it's dealing with usury or other things, so nobody should really self identify as Jewish unless they want people to see them as hostile attackers in the first place. Just like you should probably be sort of suspicious of any highly fundamentalist, religious muslim, since it seems like they're required to kill or convert you.

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