Letters to my son from Mexico #6: Sex advice for 12 year old boys, and other topics

in #life8 years ago (edited)

I'll keep on trying, even if you ignore. I would say that someday you'll put the pieces of this puzzle together and realize how you've been tricked, and the price you've paid for it... I would say that, except for the drugs you're on. By the time you're old enough, you may not have the ability to do so.

It's tough to say what the long term effects of anti-depressant drugs are on children because the scum bag parasite psychiatrists haven't been drugging children for long enough to say with any certainty, but the preliminary data does not look good. Tardive dyskenisia (can't control your muscles), strokes, and being an overly-cheerful dumbass are among the known side effects. Every person I've ever known on anti-depressants has been a major loser. Sorry to have to tell you, but that's a fact. They're whiners, liars, manipulators, and jerks. The happiness of anti-depressants is fake. Under the surface the problems are never addressed and sometimes the repressed emotions spill out in nasty ways, in spite of the drugs which, incidentally, have not been proven to be effective, whatsoever. In fact, quite the opposite. Anti-depressants are no better than placebo per a number of major international studies, while increasing suicide and other violent crazy behavior. And if for some reason you can't get your pills, or you stop taking them suddenly, well, that's when people usually go full retard.

In summary, psychiatry is a sham. You could flush the entire field of psychiatry down the toilet and nobody would miss it, except maybe their drug-addicted patients. "But what about schizophrenics?" I'm glad you mentioned that. Schizophrenia is a neurological disorder. That's a disease for neurologists to treat. Psychiatrists are scam artists- modern day snake oil salesmen, or more accurately the dealers of the biggest drug cartel in history: Big Pharma. The psychologists who refer patients to the psychiatrists and profit from it are no better.

My son, time is flying by and there's so much important stuff I need to tell you. If you don't reconnect with me you're at risk of making more life changing mistakes.

I wish there was something else I could do but when a man is up against a feminist liberal white knight judge who is looking for an excuse to remove fathers from families and enslave them, then the mother's family engages in relentless lying and bears false witness against him, the best thing I can do that doesn't bring more trouble into your life is just passively resist and refuse to cooperate.

This has already landed me in a heap of trouble. Someday you'll realize the sacrifice I made for you, even in my absense, by refusing to pay the conspirators and cooperate with their extortion racket, at great risk to myself.

They create a problem that doesn't exist (false accusuation of abuse) which is racketeering.

They then hold my child (you) hostage and say pay us money or we'll put you in jail, which is extortion (not to mention slavery).

The conspirators are your mom + grandma both lying about me (primarly Mom) and also coaching you to lie about me at age 6, all falsely accusing me of abuse with zero evidence. The conspiracy also extends far beyond, into the schools, psychiatrists, drug companies, hospitals, family courts, social workers etc... all the parasites who swoop in and suck our blood after the secret, unconstitutional family court removes the dads from the families. It's like a 19-headed hydra that is feeding on our children. Once the dads are gone, that thing can turn you into its food.

The proof is in the pudding. They take perfectly healthy happy kids and shoot em up with a bunch of unnecessary toxic vaccines, mega-doses of fluoride, artificial junk food, video games and tv, brainwashing in the schools- every form of poison you can imagine. Then when the kids' behavior becomes a problem (entirely predictable) the psychiatrists are there to fix you by frying your little brains on drugs.

I'm thankful I was at least able to protect you from some of this, during the early formative years. Your mom did a good job of tricking you. She's good at tricking people. Guess she beat me, but you're the one who's losing. All I can do now is try to warn you.

you didn't realize back then what you were getting into. You thought you just signed up for junk food and video games, but actually you signed up for a bunch of parasites to brainwash you and suck out your soul. It's a very nasty trick. I tried to warn you but that backfired.

Although I am still very grateful that I have a child in this world, and I love you dearly, and I still have high hopes that you will become a successful and happy adult, I will admit I made a terrible mistake by not being more careful about getting your mom pregnant. I was a bad judge of character. She pretended to be something she wasn't when we started dating, and she fooled me. I had no idea but I was also doing what we would call "thinking with your dick." That's a tough lesson to learn.

You MUST learn from my mistake. Your mom has good genes, and you are lucky in that regard, however she is a congenital liar. You must heed the warning signs and be more careful about who you pass your genes onto. When you meet a beautiful woman like your mom, you have to give it time before having a kid. Be careful about using birth control- That is your responsibility. I even had one woman lie to me and tell me she was on birth control pills when she wasn't (guess what, she was on anti-depressant drugs). Your mom didn't lie to me about birth control, however we were not being as careful as we should have been, using a natural (ineffective) method of birth control- simply trying to track her ovulation cycle.

If you are not ready to have a kid with someone, you have to use a more reliable method than that. I would really like to have this conversation with you in person or over the phone. You're 12 and we need to talk about this before you start having sex. There is a lot more stuff I need to warn you about or you will screw your life up big time.

Two rules that a man should always follow regarding sex:

1. Don't stick it in crazy.
2. Always "pull out" (don't ejaculate inside the vagina) even if you are using another method of birth control, unless you are specifically trying to have a baby.

I will even go further and warn you not to leave any used condoms around with semen inside after sex, because women have been known to take that when you're not looking and impregnate themselves with it. Always maintain 100% control over your sperm! It's your responsibility. Those are your future children. A woman may say she's on birth control, she may say she would get an abortion, but people sometimes lie. I've been around long enough to know that this kind of stuff is very common- and being raised by liberal feminists you're actually being prepped to become a victim of it yourself. They would never admit to you that this stuff goes on.

Unfortunately my parents never had this conversation with me. I'm not blaming them for my mistakes, but this stuff never dawned on me until it was too late.

I sure hope you can focus long enough to read this letter to the end. That's one of the major risks with drugs, it clouds our judgement, and you may end up engaging in sexual activity that has negative consequences. I haven't even gotten into the risk of catching sexually transmitted diseases.... but this is enough for now.

It would be very good if you would contact me. I have a lot more info I want to share with you.

Blessings, love, safety, freedom, responsibility, honor...




Have you heard back from your son after sending any of these letters?

I got one brief email from him a few months ago. It was a nice message but didn't contain anything specific about how/what he's been doing. Honestly not sure if it was him or his mom.