Letters To My Son From Mexico #1

in #life8 years ago

Preface: I've been forced to leave the US or face jail for trying to maintain contact with my 12 yr old son, after being framed and set up by my ex wife in the Michigan family court. I'm writing him letters and want to post them somewhere he can access them online. Hopefully Steemit can be that place. My goal is to help him understand why the family courts in the US are hell bent on removing fathers, and make sure he knows the real reasons why he isn't seeing his dad any more


Hola muchacho (hello young man)
I'm lying here in a tent at a campground near the beach in Cancun and am taking a few minutes to share some thoughts with you.

You may be wondering why I left los Estados Unidos (US).

While it's partly to avoid being thrown in jail for refusing to comply with a family court order to stop communicating with you, after being framed and falsely accused by mom and yourself, that is only part of the story. I want to give you the rest of that story so you can understand why the illegal family court even exists and why they encourage moms and kids to lie about dads, and why there are no consequences for moms committing perjury (bearing false witness) in the family court, or coaching and manipulating young kids into lying about the other parent.

The family court, as i've explained before, is illegal because it denies people their constitutional right to a jury trial, due process and equal protection under the law. So why does it exist?

It is part of a system we call the New World Order. This is a group of powerful people who want to destroy all nations, especially the United States, and form a world government run by a handful of royal blood lines with the rest of us as their slaves.

Until recently the US was the most free and blessed country in the world, but over time that freedom and prosperity made its citizens lazy and ignorant. Those people stopped protecting their rights and freedoms (such as the right to a trial by jury) sometime before I was born. The nation gradually lost sight of what created all that prosperity and allowed the servants of evil to take over. They allowed things like family courts to be created. The destruction of the family is absolutely essential to destroying the nation as a whole. Without the protection of fathers, kids are easy prey for every type of scum bag parasite from psychiatrist to communist bureaucrats who want to fill your head full of propaganda and lies.

Now wighout strong families and Christian values, the US is rotten.

Our mentally enslaved brainwashed military has committes a long string of the most horrible atrocities around the world over the past 50+ years. Nearly every US military action in recent history is based on lies, not the least of which is 9/11. 2 planes did not knock down 3 buildings, period. Only brainwashed morons can look at WTC7 collapse its own footprint and not realize it was a controlled demolition, then realize the rest of the official story unravels.

Similarly, only brainwashed mentally enslaved morons will look at a piece of paper money and think that it has some value. A paper bill was supposed to be a receipt for something. US dollars used to be receipts for gold and silver, but now they are a receipt for nothing. The bankers realized thousands of years ago that if 10 people had gold pieces stored in the vault, instead of printing up only 10 receipts, they would make 100 receipts and keep the other 90 to buy stuff for themselves. We call this scam 'usury' and it's forbidden in many religions. Now they call it fractional reserve, and make no mistake, the entire US financial system is usury and fraud run by private banks. There is no gold or silver backing it- also unconstitutional. The few nations left that are not under the control of the banking usury fraud (like Libya was) are targeted for destruction by the New World Order. All wars are banker wars.

This beast system is using the US to carry out its mission and every person who goes along with it and does not try to stop it is guilty of crimes against humanity. Millions of innocent women and children around the world are being murdered because selfish decadent trash refuse to open their eyes and would rather enjoy their cushy lives, pay taxes with fake dollars, buy poison junk products from the companies behind it, watch tv, play video games, take pills, and look the other way, rather than do everything in their power to expose those lies and try to put the brakes on this runaway freight train that is headed over a cliff.

Evil empires do not last forever, as any history scholar will know. I believe harsh judgement is coming to the US for what it has done. There are some incredibly dangerous weapons now, including nuclear, biological and chemical, and if the US continues on course, other nations may feel compelled to use them.

This is exactly what the New World Order wants. They will not protect you. You are nothing but a useless eater to them. You are their food.

I recommend you and mom get on the right side of history. I've given up pretty much everything I had to stop supporting that wicked system. Yeah Mexico is kinda trashy but at least my work isnt being used to support the destruction of the family and blowing up innocent women and children all over the middle east.

I don't recommend you make trouble at school or discuss this with any authorities. They will use it as an excuse to keep you on brainwshing suicide pills. But in your heart and your life, do not let yourself be a servant of evil. Please, do not pour gasoline on the fire by trying to demonize people like me who are trying to put that fire out. We're all on this spaceship together.

Blessings and love to you son. Know that you are always welcome with me wherever I am.



Moving. Is it a real letter or fiction?

Totally real, and there is plenty more to this story. I'm looking for a video site that I can re-upload the video my ex wife had removed from youtube for 'privacy violation'

  • see my previous post for more info

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