Virgo Full Moon - The Respite

in #life7 years ago

So at the Virgo Full Moon we find a realization of the Aquarius Solar Eclipse from two weeks ago. What will it bring? Hmmm, I wonder. Maybe we can find some clues about it together.

We’ve been swimming in a pretty intense Pisces Party for the duration of this lunar cycle. In the Solar Eclipse post I spoke about the need to take our hand off the rudder and allow the Universe to do the steering. This is pretty much always good advice, and is even moreso true during strongly Piscean times. If we were capable of this, then to one extent or another, we were maybe gifted with something like the thrilling experience of throwing our arms up on a roller coaster ride. Exhilarated. Jostled around but joyful, the smile never off our face for too long.

If on this roller coaster though we thought it better to white knuckle onto the grips around us, then it might have been more of distressing experience. A sensation where one clearly knew that they were out of control of what was happening, the situation happening from beyond them, but yet with the false notion that if they just gripped tight enough they might be able to change where the ride was heading. Tenseness. Lack of relaxation and surrender into what is.

Roller Coaster Black and White.jpg


With the Full Moon in the earthy and diligent sign of Virgo, that roller coaster car is pulling into the gate for a brief respite. ‘What the hell was that all about?’ It’s time for us to catch our breath and ponder. To allow dust to settle. To take stock of what’s still with us and what was thrown overboard while we were distracted with something else. We do this while we can before the car inevitably starts clicking up the hill again.

And no matter what our relationship to the past couple of weeks has been, we’re undoubtedly a bit wiser now. What wonderful and beautiful things have we learned? And what is the seamless and graceful way to weave these new insights into the larger container of our lives?

Virgo wants tangible. Virgo wants documentation. Virgo wants a plan. Now might be the time to craft one, however tentative it might be, all the while knowing that once the car starts clicking up the hill again it’s time to throw the plan into the air along with our arms and once again don the grin of someone exhilarated by all the twists and turns of existence, hand off the rudder, simply enjoying. The plan we craft is more of an imagined construct that can help keep us grounded to what we term reality, but in actuality there’s a much larger plan and order of things that must always be honored if we’re to enjoy this life.

And that’s still really what it’s all about, no? Enjoying this life. Enjoying this life in full view of the magnitude and magnificence of it. Smiling and surrendering. Throwing our arms in the air, letting ourselves be jostled, and knowing full well that no matter what happens on the ride, the car will always still pull safely into the gate. And we’ll be able to breathe again.

What more could we ask for? There’s no problems anywhere, there’s just the twists and turns of the coaster. Let’s shine that radiant and beatific smile together. Smiles are always better when they’re shared.

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