Buying new Kitchen Crockeries for Home || Preparing home for Winter

in #life4 years ago

October is going to end very soon and November will be here. I still feel it was yesterday I welcomed 2020 and now the year is about to end. Days are short now, nights are boring and long. The weather has changed drastically and I am still trying to adjust to this fluctuated cold weather.

I still have to prepare my home before winter. I have to buy kitchen crockeries, dry foods for the store, and many things before winter. Because during winter days, I feel lazy and less productive as well.

There are many shops available here where you can find the desired products. There is a large market here which is really far away from my home where you will find any kind of product. I wanted to go there but because of this pandemic situation, I can't take any risk. Kharkiv is still in the red zone and the number of infected cases is increasing day by day in Ukraine.



I wanted to buy a pot for making soup and curries and found these pots as well. I don't like the quality of these pots because one of my friends has used this pot and it became so black so easily. I always like non-stick pans, pots for cooking.

I bought some containers which are microwave and oven-proof. They are very useful in preserving food for a long time. I also bought a small basket to put some random kinds of stuff.



I also bought some kitchen cleaner things, sponges, towels, etc. Now, you see why I am so busy rearranging my home. I am reshuffling and recycling many things also 50% of things of my home I decluttered already.


Last but not least I found these beautiful orchids for sale. But already I have so many orchids at home so decided to leave it for now.

Decluttering and rearranging home is not so easy, it takes time. Not only I am doing that but also, I am decluttering every single thing of my home which is old and already expired.

I hope soon my home will be ready for winter and for the new year...




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