Emotionally Shattering Experience. Disgusted! Why? Why?? Why???

in #life7 years ago


Hi friends,
here i am... writing this very emotionally shattering experience i had in a bus today, in Pune, India.

First off, do i come off as an easy girl?

U know in general...or someone who's an easy catch/target

N don't mince words... tell me exactly friends.. what you feel
Something happened on the bus today... first off let me show you how a regular bus looks like in india..



And this is the scene everyday in the mornings and evening.. when people are either going to work.. or getting back from work...!!!

Yeah so.. there's this guy enters stands behind me...in the beginning I barely realize anything's wrong...plus I was tired.

In a while I feel something hard against my leg... but I shrug it off coz I'm like it's crowded... something like this.. maxresdefault.jpg


But then in a split second it occurs to me... girl even if it's crowded why is whatever that's poking your leg hard?? Like I could feel the intensity of his hard-on.

So I look at him first then down...N I see his pants n omg.

Like OMG.

N he kept trying to bang my leg like literally... as if my leg is a vagina n he's humping it with his dick.

So I look coldly into his eyes n I'm like let's move ahead n I shifted a little back but this guy is persistent he's back for round two.

This time I angrily say ठीक से खड़े नहीं होने के लिए क्या कया (Cant you stand properly for heaven's sake!)

n I'm pretty sure atleast 3-4 ppl heard that... so he turned around n left at the next stop.

But trust me he had such an obvious tent in his pants... like literally one look at him n anyone could tell he was in whatever state of mind he was. FUCKER.

And no guys.. its not funny..

I got home n took a shower in boiling hot water. Crying.

Scratching ever inch of my body.

So no. It's not funny.

But it's me who felt dirty and idk maybe hurt as well.

And I'm asking whether I look like an easy target coz this isn't even the first time.

I just don't know or understand how to cope or handle this anymore!


Dear friend…

Sometimes in life we meet some people that are all messed up. What I say is that their programming is twisted.

It’s no fun interacting with some of these people but please don’t think that it is in any way a reflection of who you are as a person.

Remember that every problem has a gift in its hands. Sometimes it can be hard to understand the gift but I believe that somehow it’s there.

Try to think about what gift may be gained from this experience.

I know that you were left feeling dirty and violated… Try spending some time in meditation. Imagine yourself being completely cleansed by a great white light or use whatever technique feels right to you. Maybe you were burning off some karma and now things will become better than ever? Maybe this experience happened to prepare you to be some kind of spokesperson for women’s rights? I don’t know.

It seems to me that women in general tend to have a harder time then males because so many men think of woman only as sexual objects. A beautiful woman’s psychological makeup can actually be devastated by the ridiculous, callous, ignorant behavior of others.

Your beauty is a gift and should be treasured. But certainly it can also be a double-edged sword.

I don’t know if anything that I have said will help… but I hope somehow it does…

Wishing you happiness, smiles, sweet dreams and sunshine! :-)

Wow.. I read this.. and I feel so very positive..
I feel like I have the strength of something divine to face such situations... And yes.. I did try n let out what I feel.. and the way I did it was just so relaxing!!!
Will share it as a post soon!
Anyways thanks for the support... I've just made my day.. and I'm sure given me the strength to fight such odds.. 😃

You are tough .. just be bold and be a champion for women in India .. Shame that this sort of behaviour is still prevalent !!! You go girl ... BTW .. couldn't help but notice ., the nice hair colour .. no I'm not hitting on you . But you had me with your hair colour :)

Okayy.. those are streaks.. love em ☺️ n thans

@prachik Thank you for your reply.

It makes me feel very happy to know that I have somehow helped you. :-)

Wishing you happiness, smiles, sweet dreams and sunshine! :-)

Again.. words won't be enough here.. bt thank you is the least I can say ☺️

My gf who is also Indian always says that India is the type of place that will make a girl feel like she's done something wrong to attract dirty men. But that's not right! No matter what you do even if you're naked and walking down the street a man should never force himself on you! So no, you're not the problem the society is.

Hmmm.. thanks for the support

uski gar pa maa or bahan nahi hay or usko pata nahi how to behave with girl.

but you are brave you handle the sitution and be careful and be strong and brave..

Yes.. it's really hard in such cases.. luckily I was in a crowded bus.. so it wasn't very risky.. else..

hmmmm.. i can understand.. i have litter sister i know.. when he tell me something about these kind of incidence..

Make sure she is safe.. I'll tell u something.. women or girls can't express such things or experiences frankly.. so it's ure responsibility to check how she is.. and make open conversation.. be a friend.. and it will make her feel that there is someone who she can talk to.. n that helps.. a lot.. 😃

yeah. i do that. she tell me if there any problem facing toward her

Good.. I'm proud of you ☺️

thanks you so much.
today i told her about your incidence she told me that to tell you be safe all the time

Sorry to hear that =(

but in a way it doesn't surprise me, I often heard that Indian guys are very thirsty and desperated, a Polish friend of me was once harrassed by one and I see on fb often memes/posts related to this, although they often make me laugh(like when they message some white girls in the Western: send pics of /show bob and vagena) I can imagine that it must be quite annoying for girls.

And I don't think you are an easy girl, open-minded, yes, but far from being a whore without any sandards

Yeah I know.. the mentality here is so depressing..
Bt it needs to change..

my advise: don't take the bus when there is no seats available, and when it gets crowded get off it. That's what I would do. also you might want to travel with someone else that you trust to sit next to you. this is all common safety sense. my two cents

sometimes.. there isnt much of an option that we have...

there life are so critical....


:) thank you

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