How to make hamsters not bite you? These interactive skills you have to learn!如何让仓鼠不咬你?这些互动技巧你要学会!

in #life6 years ago

Lead: How to make hamsters not bite you? By learning these interactive skills, hamsters can become your new friend!

There are often small partners who will ask me, "Why do my rats always bite me, why are your hamsters so harmonious and obedient?" I am would like to say that the world's hamsters are all of the same character, not your home mouse. The Rat hates you for biting you, but it is unfamiliar with you, has no sense of security, and thinks that it has been attacked. This is a natural phenomenon of self-protection!

So how do you make friends with young hamsters? Learn the following skills to make your hamster a new friend!

The first point: The hamster that was just bought is put into a cage for three or five days. Don't grab it with your hands, and don't touch it; feed the hamster food it loves to eat, and then observe it as the most favorite rat. What kind of food? (When you fill up with rat food every time, it means that the hamster also picky eaters, not eat, but do not like to eat, so each time there are leftovers), carefully remember what hamsters like to eat rats Oh, food.

The second point: for about a week or so, rat food can be gradually reduced, making it feel a bit hungry! Next, let the hamster eat the most delicious portion of the food in your hand (report it in the previous week) and feed the hamster across the cage by hand. The hamster smells the food it likes and will smell your hand. Sweaty, because the hamster is hungry, it will not be able to eat so much directly, because the rat food in your hands is the favorite of hamsters. Over time, the hamsters are used to and love to eat their favorite mice in your hands. Grain will naturally not be afraid of you and will not bite you.

The third point: In the palm of your hand, feeding rats food for about a week or so will establish a good relationship with rats and mice. Rats will see you as if they meet their parents. They will like you very much. At this time, you can try to stick out. Put the rat's food palm in front of the rat (do not put the rat food), the mouse will climb to your hand conditioned reflexes, smell, turn a few laps, stroll stroll ... rat has been It's a little dependent on you, and you can touch it too, and now the hamster has become your new friend. Congratulations, success!

The fourth point: After establishing a good interactive relationship, it is necessary to formulate a maintenance plan, such as regular replacement of sawdust, regular bath sand bathing, and periodic feeding of rat food, etc. Careful love will last forever!

Finally, when young hamsters are adult (about 30 days), try to maintain them in a cage. If there are only two or three small hamsters and they haven’t had a fight yet, you can temporarily not separate the cages, but you must strengthen observation!

Well, friends, if you have any problems with hamsters, please leave a message to me, I will help you solve!

(PS:My English is not very good, please forgive me, I hope you like everyone, like Hamster, thank you very much!)

====== China  ======




第一點:剛買回來的倉鼠先放進籠子裡養上三五天,千萬不要用手去抓它、更不要摸它;先餵牠愛吃的倉鼠糧食,然後觀察它最愛吃鼠糧裡的哪幾種? (當你把鼠糧裝滿每次都沒有吃完,說明倉鼠也挑食,並不是吃不完,而是不喜歡吃,所以每次都有吃剩的),細心記下來倉鼠喜歡吃哪些鼠糧哦。






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