Quote of the Day/ Zitat des Tages #148 ENG/DEU

in #life6 years ago

Believe those who seek the truth and doubt those who have found it.
André Gide

André Paul Guillaume Gide was a French writer who received the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1947.
When he was eleven years old, he lost his father. In his autobiography he describes that he did not lack financial means, but love. He also blames his mother's upbringing for his problems as an adult.
He undertook many trips to Africa, which impressed and changed him. After the return of such a journey and shortly before her death, he had a meeting with his mother, from which they left somewhat more reconciled.
A big problem for Gide was his homosexuality. He asked a doctor for help, who advised him to marry as a remedy. He complied with this request, but separated strict love and sexuality from each other. For this reason it is assumed that the marriage was never consummated.

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Glaube denen, die die Wahrheit suchen, und zweifle an denen, die sie gefunden haben.
André Gide

André Paul Guillaume Gide war ein französischer Schriftsteller, welcher 1947 den Literaturnobelpreis erhielt.
Als er elf Jahre alt war, verlor er seinen Vater. In seiner Autobiografie beschreibt er, dass es ihm zwar nicht am Finanziellen, doch aber an Liebe mangelte. Auch macht er die Erziehung seiner Mutter für seine Probleme als erwachsener verantwortlich.
Er unternahm viele Afrikareisen, die ihn beeindruckten und veränderten. Nach der Rückkehr einer solchen Reise und kurz vor ihrem Tod hatte er ein Treffen mit seiner Mutter, aus welchem sie etwas versöhnter hinausgingen.
Ein grosses Problem für Gide stellte seine Homosexualität dar. Er bat einen Mediziner um Hilfe, welcher ihm zur Ehe als Heilmittel riet. Er kam dieser Aufforderung zwar nach, trennte jedoch strikte Liebe und Sexualität von einander. Aus diesem Grund wird angenommen, dass die Ehe nie vollzogen wurde.


All your posts are excellent.... I love it..my dear friend @positivertag

Thank you very much, my friend.

Nice blog post.

Excellent Story.

I am very glad to read this post have a great day.

Thank you very much. Have a great day, too. 💖

Nice quote friend.

Thank you very much.

Really quote of the day. Very good post.

Thank you very much.

Beautiful lines by André Gide...
Wonderful article my friend.. i like your writing skills.. it is interesting .

Thank you very much for reading the quotes. 🍀

It's a very good Quote. Really good post.

great quote by french writer, love this life story, Very interesting! love your article, god bless your work.

Thank you so much for reading my stuff. Be blessed and stay positive.

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