Soul pancake - positive stories for the soul
So I just learnt about Soul Pancake after finally listening to the podcast of Josh Radnor & Ben Lee by Rainn Wilson (on Steemit here)
Soul Pancake is a media company founded by Rainn Wilson. Rainn is most famous for his role of Dwight on the office. What I love about Soul Pancake, is that it is something completely left field from Hollywood, but a project that Rainn wanted to bring to life for the good of humanity. Rainn is from the
Bahá'í Faith who take the best bits of all religions (my interpretation!).
Anyway, I was inspired after listening to the podcast around platforms, spirituality ,music and show biz that I had to spread the word. I just watched their short clip on grattitude.
Grattitude has been shown scientifically to improve happiness, and they do a short experiment here to show how it might work. I'll definitely be checking out more of the work of this channel. Hopefully they find their way to Steemit as well.