Humans Need Not Apply - An Intro

in #life8 years ago (edited)


"Humans are lazy."

That's a quote of CGP Grey's statement, that comically says this has been the reason why humans have continously developed technologies that could make our work less complicated and with better results in such a way we could have abundance while doing less effort. It's brought by him as an example of produtivity the technological improvements made in agriculture, while we have less man force at farms and more food on our tables.

Such gain in produtivity have made people that do certain kind of tasks in better conditions of work or if their services are not required anymore, they are free to specialize and do some kind of activity that is demanded by society.

Some people have specialized in engineering and programing which work is to build automation alternatives that make people's lives easier and reduce costs for business, alternatives that will make the human labor less in demand and this time not only the mechanical physical labor (you may remember Charlin Chaplin working in that factory in Modern Times) but also more complex tasks and mental labor that will replace human qualified jobs in few years.


I'd love to develop more about the subject but if I do I would spoil the crucial infos from the video, my point is only to make an introduction to it, this is an amazing content produced by CGP Grey he presents it so well that thirty seconds is enough for him to draw your attention to the subject. I'm sure you’ll easily get envolved by his narrative, arguments and examples.

Check it out!


I love all the inventions we have been able to make. They make work a lot easier for us.

yeah I agree, but in somecases it will eventually makes us unemployables. The thing about this video is how can we adapt to a world where "humans will need not apply"

As time goes on and the more technology evolves there will be more inventions..

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