The Art of Detachment: Finding Contentment in Being
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What does it mean to detach yourself? To become separate, independent of outside influence. Whether you identify with materialistic things in life? Or possibly to be free from relationships?
To just be.
As a minimalist myself, I already practice the “less is more” approach to life. So clearly I have no trouble letting go of attachment to things. I value practical things, and collect nothing but happy moments.
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From another perspective, it is important to remain neutral to your feelings. Things that can excite us, or on the other hand cause worry.
In a article by Benjamin P. Hardy titled ‘This 6-Word Sentence Will Give You Complete Freedom And High Performance,’ he states “Whether you worry about the outcome or not, everything will turn out okay. You might as well let go of the worry. In the realm of creativity, the moment you realize you can try and fail — and that everything will be okay — then you are free to create.” (
That was the main message I took away from the reading, but if you want the magic six words, then you will have to read it for yourself.
I lived through this lesson first hand; I had extreme materialistic tendencies through several jobs which left me empty and unhappy. The joy from my new toys was fleeting and superficial. It was when I started over again living with as little as possible that I gained the freedom to allow truer forms of happiness into my life.
I just love this. Nothing should own anyone! And yet it’s strange how we allow it to. Even things as simple as another persons opinion can take ownership of others. This post is so relevant to my family as we transition into minimalism. Thank you for posting. :)
Thank you for your message, and for reading. :-)