Bugs are the Best Pets for Children! Here's why, Upvote!
Keeping bugs
You are probably wondering why anyone would want to keep insects or other invertebrates as pets. When someone thinks of getting a pet, a pet bug almost never makes the list as a potential pet candidate. If you decide to get a pet insect there are many different kinds of bugs and critters to choose from. Many popular bug pets include, stick insects, praying mantids, tarantulas, scorpions, cockroaches, beetles, and millipedes and centipedes.
Even if you choose to get one kind of bug you will have many choices to choose from. If you want a pet stick insect you can choose a species that is well camouflaged to a species that has vibrant metallic blue colours. The bug keeping hobby is sure you fascinate you as you watch your pet hunt down its prey.
Many people all over the world are discovering the fun involved with keeping insects as pets. In the USA, Japan and Europe people are keeping and breeding insects to make them more available in the hobby and also to help increase populations in captivity when wild specimens may be endangered.
Insects as a First Pet for Children
Pet invertebrates such as stick insects and praying mantids make very interesting pets. They come in many different shapes, sizes and colours and display interesting behaviours that are fun to watch. For children, pet bugs are definitely the perfect pet. Pet insects are cheap and simple to care for. They will not take up much space in the house nor will they make a noise. Unlike the traditional pet dog, cat or hamster. If you frequently go on holiday you will need to find someone to look after these pets while you are away. With a pet bug, you can get away with leaving them for a week or two.
For households, that have a family member who is allergic to cats, dogs and other furry mammals, a pet bug makes for the perfect household pet since they will not cause allergic reactions.
Additionally, most pet bugs are short lived compared to a hamster. When teaching a child responsibility through keeping a pet. A pet invertebrate will be a better choice. All too often, it is the parent who ends up looking after the hamster. You can choose a first pet that only lives a few months to a year such as a praying mantis so if you do end up caring for the bug it will not be for as long as if you had opted for a hamster.
The Verdict
There are many benefits to keeping insects as pets. If you can get over the initial fear factor that normally comes with bugs they making wonderful fascinating creatures to keep at home on display.