The time has come for me to stop smoking - just been diagnosed with emphysema - Day 2 of my attempt to quit with champix
A lifetime of smoking cigs, spliffs and bongs has finally taken its toll. i now have emphysema lung disease. That explains the constant out of breath and tiredness ive been experiencing lol.
I know i should have stopped smoking years ago as I already suffer from inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis and asthma and the smoking has probably made my health worse.
Like most people though, we put things off until we have to deal with things. Well now i have to deal with this so i'm finally going to have a proper go at stopping before it kills me. some people are not so lucky to get a warning.
Previously i have made half hearted attempts to stop but have failed.
In the past ive tried nicotine chewing gum, it made my throat hurt. tried nicotine patches, they made my arm hurt.
Tried vaping, which did work for a bit but my love of a good spliff always took me back to tobacco.
So now i'm trying champix. A drug that blocks the nicotine receptors in your brain, therefore making you not want to smoke eventually.
I'l be honest i'm not intending to stop ingesting pot as it helps so much as an anti inflammatory for the arthritis, but i'l no longer be smoking it.
So its now day 2 of being on champix.
With champix you do not stop smoking immediately, you continue until day 12+ (you make your own goal date)
I have decided to try and stop by day 14 which will be 14/05/2018
Already when i smoke, the taste seems to be slightly different and its making me a bit nausious and dizzy.
ive noticed im already wanting to smoke slightly less.
I will keep posting about my progress so other would be quitters can get a viewpoint on whether to try champix or not.
Wish me luck steemians :-)
Just remember your lungs aren't meant to filter smoke. Just about anything is better than endangering the part of your body that provides you with oxygen that you literally can't live without but for a few minutes. If you have to have nicotine get it some other way. But hopefully with the champix you won't even feel a craving for it.
Yes u r right. and ive been an idiot for so long to ignore the facts... addiction is a powerfull thing.
thanks for your support :-)
Good luck, you can do it!
Thanks m8
Good luck @pcste. I know it's hard, but I have a few friends who were big time smokers who finally managed to quit. Keep us updated.
cheers m8, will do
Man you should definitely sto smoking cz it harms you with your family too. Great decision taken... best of luck.👍
Oh no, so sorry to hear this Steve 😢 Please be careful with the Champix, known side effects include bad depression. Wishing you the best of luck xxx
Yea but jan but u know me, ive had the depresh, got constant pain from the thritis lol, if all i have to go thru to make my self more healthy is suffer some more depression for a few weeks then, bring it on, im no stranger to depression lol.
But seriously, yea, i must admit i am starting to feel a bit radged lol. been snapping at my m8s a bit, although from my point of view it wasnt snapping at them it was just telling them what i felt lol. its a bit like when rhuematolgy gives me a steroid injection, makes me a bit too honest lol.
I am smoking less tho. and the spliffs are less satisfying. the weed vaping is tasting very nice tho :-)
You have the best vape , i remember that bad boy haha 😆 You'll get there Steve , as for being grumpy just telling your mates you're stopping smoking is enough, they'll get it . Not preaching, still a smoker x