Aaron's Axioms : C
A & B's caveat still applies - this is first-person inference only; commentary & critique is welcome (I'm nearly certain it is the only method of affirmation).
To more easily understand what I am attempting to convey, I refine Kant's deontological 'Categorical Imperative' to have synonymous meaning to 'Crux' - I hope he wouldn't have minded too much. ;)
Crux: a vital, basic, decisive, or pivotal point:
The crux of the trial was his whereabouts at the time of the murder.
Synonyms: essence, heart, core, gist.

Categorical Imperatives [CI] necessitate
Evolving Contingency Plans (ECP)s.
Sub-Axiom :
What is beyond imagination is not necessarily beyond manifestation.
- (ECP)s are adaptive and autonomous.
- [CI]s are composed of necessary conditions.
- [CI]s distribute objects into subjects
- [CI]s distribute subjects into (ECP)s
- (ECP)s are defined by necessary content properties.
- Necessary content properties are categorical conditions. (CC)
- (CC)s are not always [CI]s.
- Conditions are not necessarily imperatives.
- Imperatives are (CC).
- (CC)s evolve as necessary with [CI)s
- [CI]s will evolve necessarily.