Psychofreaks via Toxic Masculinity

in #life7 years ago (edited)

What the hell is going on with the progressive left? We thought we had seen it all… they have used every combination of divisive means in their playbook to destroy our nation from within. We all put up with the pussy hats, and dressing up like cunts.•

We put up with the antifa wearing hoods, masks, and carrying weapons knowing full well they weren’t going to “Meet and Greet” they were there to terrorize others. •

They pretend to value life, all the time knowing their real agenda was to take away our First and Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights away from law abiding people, while supporting Planned Parenthood and the death of tens of thousands of unborn children each year.
But now we have these psychofreaks we call “experts" telling us “toxic masculinity” is the real problem. Well let me tell the psychofreaks so called experts… in my world men are not the problem…So take your nuance “made up word” and put it in File 13 where it belongs because the gigs up and you lose.