How to Enjoy Your Present Time While You Maintain Your Focus on a Better Future.

in #life6 years ago (edited)

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Sometimes we tend to be so focused on the outcome and on the future that we almost forget we have a life and that in reality we live in the present, all we have and feel is happening right now, not in the past not in the future. There is nothing wrong about dreaming of a better future, after all dreaming is also a great way of planning and a great way to visualize how our lives can improve. But we must never forget to enjoy the present time, the actual moment, to enjoy every second and every minute that we have the privilege to enjoy this marvelous life and world that we have.

Life is a gift and our present time is what we have, what we can immediately sense and enjoy so we must be grateful for this time, for what we have right now without suffering for what we don’t have. But what exactly does living in the present means? It means to be completely aware and conscious of what we have and what we are right now. It means forgetting about the past and not worrying about the future so we can enjoy the present moment, so we can enjoy the beauty of every second that life is giving us and to be grateful for what we are and what we can enjoy right now.

There is always something to be grateful for and we have to recognize this to keep our motivation high. Life is not always about hoping for a better future ignoring the present. Our present is important, is where we are right now and even if sometimes it seems that our present situation is difficult we have to be grateful for having the privilege to be alive and recognize that we have the ability to come up with a solution if we maintain a positive thinking mindset.

When we live in the present we appreciate life to the fullest, our awareness of being alive increases our motivation and we start to love life even more. Both past and future are just illusions that are not here now so we must start to love the now moment, we need to enjoy our present moment so we are able to savor and feel our current existence. Why living in the present will keep you motivated? The problem of not living in the present time and enjoying what we have right now is that we live an illusion, something that is not yet existent and we completely forget to grab the taste of every moment.

We tend to worry too much about what’s coming without appreciating what the present is offering us right now. Being able to take a shower every day is a privilege, being able to nourish our body each day is a benefit that not everybody can enjoy. Being able to see our beautiful planet every day and enjoy the breeze, the sun, the rain, the seasons and the mere honor to be here and now is what we really have and we must appreciate it to the fullest.

It is the “now moments” that makes us feel alive, it is today that it is more important, it is that fresh breath of air that we take for granted that keeps us alive and that is really what we must enjoy and be grateful for. We have a tendency to worry too much about what hasn’t yet occurred and we sometimes forget we have a life. Sometimes we punish ourselves for mistakes of the past too much when the reality is that the past is gone forever and those mistake should be only interpreted as lessons learned and embrace the present. Let go and live you live today, live your present, let go and enjoy every little positive aspect of your present life because you never know when the last day of your existence in this planet will be. Living in the present will have a dramatic positive effect on your motivation since you’ll learn to love what you have and you will realize that life is worth living and it is beautiful.

Forgive yourself for your past failures and mistakes and believe that all you are dreaming for your future will happen while you enjoy your present. This way of living will give you a sense of peace, a sense of gratitude and a sense of total awareness of your present time. When you forgive yourself you also experience more motivation and you recover your energy to keep building your future. Don’t ignore your present life for leaving in the past or in the future. It is not about being happy when something happens in the future, it is about being happy right now! Today! Open your soul to receive all the goodness that life is offering you right now, open your mind to the flow of positive energy that is surrounding you every day.

But living in the present does not mean to give up on your future, it means to recognize that you have a beautiful life today and that your future is bright if you maintain your positive thinking mind and you maintain your focus in your lifetime goals. So keep going and live and enjoy your life now! I encourage you to live the now moment and to love life to the fullest.

Your life deserves your attention and your awareness of your privilege to be alive. Give every day of your life a positive meaning while you plan for your future.

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