in #life6 years ago

The Great White Shark is the largest predatory fish in the ocean and inspires awe, fear and respect in all humans.
The largest community of Sharks is off Dyer Island . South Africa, it is called "Shark Alley".
They hunt and live on every cost except Antartica, but prefer to live in cooler waters.
Fossils have shown that Great White Sharks lived 16 million or more years ago, and that life expectancy is up to 70 years!"

The heaviest White Shark recorded weighed 7,328 pounds and was 26 feet long! One Shark can consume 11 tons of food yearly and then not eat for 3 months,
With six senses of sight, smell, touch taste, hearing and electroreception, they become the most advanced hunter of the ocean.
A single big bite can cause death to the victim. They do not eat humans but will take a bite, and then swim away. They will eat each other, in certain circumstances, but when there is Shark blood in the waters, will swim away.
When the Great White Sharks are young they will feed on small prey, fish and rays. Adult White Sharks feed on large marine mammals, like sea lions, seals, and smaller whale species.
Great White Shark feeding.jpg.
When loking for food the different genders have strange different habits. Males will dive up and down in a V Shape, up to 140 times a day, and females only dive deep during the day, and then shallow at night.
Scientistas tracked The Yearly Great White Shark Migration to remote areas of the Pacific Ocean , and called it the Great White Shark Cafe. It is not sure if they migrate for food, as the area used to be described as a blank barren stretch in the Pacific Ocean.
They found however that the Great White Sharks could be supported in their diets. Each year the Great White Shark community makes the pilgrimage to this location.
The place is situated between Mexico Baja California and Hawai and it
takes the creatures months to swim to the location, spending their winter months and spring months there.
Researchers call the destination Middle of Nowhere spot.
It is still confusing as to why they would swim such vast distances, but they soon found that there was plenty of food around. There are tiny light sensitive creatures, teaming with squid and small fish, moving around in the deep waters of the ocean known as Midwater and is their food source.
Midwater is above the deepest area of the sea, and in complete darkness.
Scientists cannot fathom why this area is vitally important to the Great White Sharks. so they are now focussing on a 160 mile radius 1200 Nautical miles area east of Hawaii, a remote and almost unknown area. The destination of the Great White Shark's pilgramage is a patch of Ocean, wice the siza of England.
Scientists monitor the Sharks, by attachinbg acoustic monitoring tags, with satelite monitoring tgs with locationbb beacons popping off and floating on the surface. They do this to better understand why this area is unique and why it
attracts the sharks.
What they discovered was that the Great White Sharks were making 3000 ft deep dives to follow prey in the deep underwater.
The different genders also behave differently, Males would dive up and down in a V shape up to 140 times in a day. Females would dive deep during the day, and dive shallow at night.
The Sharks were feeding in what is called the Red Triangle near Monteney Bay, between August and December only.
Great White Sharks not only look fearsome, but a single big bite can be fatal.
They will not eat humans and after biting (and perhaps tasting) will swim they will swim away if there is Shark blood in the water.
Adult Sharks feed on large marine mammals like sea lions, seals, and smaller Whale species. Young White Sharks feed on smaller prey like fish and rays.
Great White Shark feeding.jpg

One Shark can eat 11 tons of food in a year and then not eat for three months,
Fossils found indicate that Sharks were around 16 million or more years ago, and that life expectancy is 70 years.
The Great White Shark has 6 senses, sight, smell, touch, taste , hearing and electro reception, making them keenly aware of any moving, or nearby prey.
With such fine tuned awareness, and their size and strength, Great White Sharks have very few threats in the Ocean

Great White Shark in the ocean.jpg



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