in #life7 years ago


Learning to win in life is like learning to ride a bicycle. As you start to ride, you might fall and get bruised. It doesn’t matter; you need to get back up and continue to ride. What defines you is not how you fall, but rather how well you rise after falling. Never mind how hard you fall, always remember to pick yourself up and get back on your feet.
When life gives you a kick, whether you fall or stagger doesn’t matter. You must bounce back again.
There is one wonderful thing about a baby giraffe and a mother giraffe. The birth of the giraffe is quite an earth-shaking event. The baby falls from its mother’s womb some eight feet above the ground. It shrinks while drying up and lies still, too weak to move. The mother giraffe lovingly lowers her neck to smooch the baby giraffe, and then something unbelievable happens. She lifts her long legs and kicks the baby giraffe, sending it flying up in the air and tumbling down to the ground. As the baby lies curled up, the mother kicks the baby again and again until the baby giraffe, still trembling and tired, pushes its limbs and for the first time learns to stand on its own feet, the mother giraffe comes over and gives it yet another kick. The baby giraffe falls one more time, but now quickly recovers and stands up. Mama giraffe is delighted. She knows that her baby has learnt an important lesson.

Why did mother giraffe do this? She knows that lions and leopards prey on giraffes, so unless the baby giraffe quickly learns to stand and run with the group, it will have no chance of survival. Most of us though are not quite as lucky as the baby giraffe. No one teaches us to stand up every time we fall. When we fall, when we are down or when we fall behind, we just give up. No one kicks us out of our comfort zone to remind us that to survive and succeed, we need to learn to get back on our feet. If you fall behind, run faster. Never give up, never surrender, and rise up against the odds. You must determine that the downfall of a man is not the end of his life.

There is a thin line between loosing and winning because failures may create winning.
Always tell the world “my setback may have amused you but my comeback is going to confuse you because I am not a candidate for the bottom”. The late president Nelson Mandela had a saying that goes “Do not judge me by my successes, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up every time I fall”.

The road to success is never an easy one. There are several obstacles and you may fall, fail
or stumble along the way, but always remember that success lies in being able to get up every time you fall.



wow ,,, a very good post @optimistic, really like your posts, posting you share it makes all the read more interesting,