You Are Your Network of Friends
The fastest way to be successful (wealth, health and happiness) is to pick your friends wisely. There is a saying that goes: “Your net worth is correlated to your network”
You are not in total contyof your choices, decisions and life in general. Your friends has a role to play. "What do I mean? "
There are what a called mirror neurons
Mirror neurons are neurons (i.e., pieces of the brain) that fire both when a person acts and when a person observes the same action performed by another. In other words, parts of our brain respond exactly the same when we do something or when we watch someone else do that same exact thing.
Therefore, if your friends have a bad mindset, well… guess what? You will have a bad mindset as well. If your friends don’t like to work out, well… guess what? You won’t be working out! In fact, research from Harvard Medical School has found that a person’s chance of becoming obese increases 57% if a friend becomes obese, and 37% if a spouse becomes obese. Interesting, huh?
If your friends always complain about money… you guessed it! Money will become a problem for you. Because you are the product of your environment. The company you keep does in fact control your destiny!
So it's vital that you carefully choose friends that will better your life and positively impact you towards achieving destiny.
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