Nothing is Free
We are used to saying that something is free when the reality is that nothing is free.
What we don’t spend in dollars, we spend in time, attention, and effort. A more apropos term would be “no cost.” But that doesn’t have the catchy ring of free and isn’t favored by marketers (the ones who try make something free).
Additionally, we tend to forget, or don’t realize, that when we choose one option, the opportunity of the other is lost. Even if we don’t pay money for something, we are not only paying with our time and effort, but we are losing the chance to get something else done that may be more important.
You may think you are getting something for nothing, but there is a price to pay for everything, in business as well as daily life
There is no such thing as free unless the thing in question is without value.
When you write a blog post you give away to the world on your blog, it is not free. You spent time, energy, effort, and knowledge writing it, time that could have been spent doing something else.
When you share a video of your session from a conference, it is not free.
Have you ever received some level of financial freedom on steemit?
Do you belief the steem blockchain can wipe away poverty in the world?
Then join me as I wage a steem war against poverty
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