Life and Time

in #life7 years ago

Let me start this with a gentle hello my name is Doc. If you are choosing to read this. I want you to think carefully as you read what has been written here. I am going to ask a couple questions. I want you to think carefully about them, and I want you to think about what I say about these questions when you have your answer in mind.

How many people out there hate having to get up in the morning? Everyone right... well how about the notion knowing you don't WANT to get up in the morning shows how your day will end up becoming. A long drawn out and boring day. If you wake up with the hopes of good things. Even if it is raining outside. Always think of how this benefits everything. You may hate the rain. However, without it... there would be less water in our reserves that depend on this. So you say the rain sucks. There are people who desperately could use it. That being said, you wake up and think positive about any situation. This allows you the ability to open your own mind to new possibilities.

See people are so used to thinking they CAN'T. There is no such thing. You can easily do something if you put your mind to it. A good example. You can't fly.... sure you can, if you wake up, work hard, and put money aside for a plane ticket. You magically can fly. It is all in how your mind is programmed.

Keeping your bills in order can be a real pain. Everyone knows it and hates it. However, without the companies unfortunately, there are no products to be had. So with that being said. You can put small bits of money aside for even investing in something to increase your earnings. There are a numerous amount of ways to invest money. Even down to investing time.

Some say that it isn't worth their time. Well that is what everything in life boils down to.... is it worth your time? Let me ask you something simple.

What is YOUR TIME worth to YOU?

Your time is something you do not get back. The questions remain are you enjoying what you are doing with your time. Is your time being invested in a way that may benefit you later? You can take some time and even clip coupons and make your time worth something now can't you? That also being said, you don't get it back... meaning once it is spent it is gone. Does your job make you feel complete? Do you make enough to sustain your life and be able to enjoy your time off? If not do something about it.

I found myself spending time doing things from investing into mining to researching, all the way to building rigs in my own home and making money off them. That and meditating to find out who I am and where I stand in this world. I found out a lot about myself and what I have become.

Can you change the way you do things? Of course you can, you can always change even a simple hour into something that could benefit you. Whether it be benefiting your health, wealth, or state of mind. Whether you want to learn something new, or do something new. It is all by your own CHOICE. What choices will you make and what changes will you take?

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