365 of 365...
The year 2017 wraps up in a few hours, the year has been with many successes and failures.
Mistakes were made, lessons were learnt. Friends were made, friends were lost, relationships were strengthened, standards were set, goals were achieved, oppotunities opened, some doors were shut, hands were burned, challenges were overcame, grounds were broken, money was made, investments crashed, money was lost..................................
A year ago, everything, most things were different. Now that I look back, I realize 12 months can do a lot to a person, a whole lot.
I hope at this point in our lives we can all agree that this cliche 'new year, new me' thing is a total sham, scam if you will. Yes. Its the same you, the only possibility that exists is to be a better you, not because it's a new year,(there's no magic at 12am) , but because you want to or you have to.
I guess its just better to set milestones for the coming year.
I am definitely not the first person you will hear this from, but we should all go into the new year setting goals, high goals, and work consistently to achieve these goals. Consistency is key here.
You can always (and I think we should actually) review and set new goals during the year, it's not a crime.
I will be fine.
You will be fine.
2018 will be fine too.
I will remember to be grateful for the things I have at every point in time and also to embrace the not so good stuff and make the best out of it.
I hope you do too.
Here's to an awesome and eye opening 2018 people!🍷
Ah yes... I am one of the many motivational speakers you will encounter today.😜
nice one