A Bentley trapped in Flood
The law of co-existence doesn't discriminate, no Rich, no poor; everyone is equal.
Charity does not implies only the rich giving to the poor, the poor also can give to rich. This image clearly indicates that when the Bentley got trapped for hours in a floody area. After hours of taking out water from inside the car; help came in the form of peasants. This guys came to the rescue of the trapped car and pushed it out
No rich individual could do this, oppose me if am wrong! But a poor man/woman are the richest at heart, they do not discriminate to help others in need!
Image Source: ScreenShots
If your rich at the expense of the poor - one day when you are in a bad need, a poor person will show you kindness - and you should repay your past greed.
If your poor due to living a lazy uncaring life - One day a wealthy person will show you kindness, and guide you in a life style change - that you can earn what you need.
That's natures Balance.
Very true mate, law of co-existence is a great tag to it!
Very True! For the rich folks, that would be an herculean task stepping into such flood with a Louis Vuitton shoes.. Great post!
Thanks man, you got my gist!
Wooooow where did this happen and when ?
You want to go back in time to help the Bentley?
Did you know that studies have shown that as a person becomes more wealthy, it becomes harder on a psychological level for them to empathize with those less well off.
However further exploration of this shows that it is not merely 'being wealthy' but the feeling of being wealthy that causes this reduced empathy. It implies that a person can become wealthy without much of this problem, as long as they remain humble. That means not driving fancy cars, not surrounding themselves with the trappings of wealth.
Wow!.....Now i see why some of the Rappers always bring their friends from Childhood all the way to the top with them. Humility is the key word that makes a Rich individual sane!