When does a human life begin, really?

in #life6 years ago

When does life begin? A simply question but, the answer is anything but simple. When does life begin has been , and is now, a hotly debated question. There are four main answers to this question. You may believe one of them yourself if you have ever pondered the question. Churches and other religious organizations, scientists, and others have their own view on the matter. So, let's take a look at these four main believes.

First, Conceptionist:

Most of Judaism. Christianity, and even Islam believe, or at least teach, that life begin at conception, But, there is even debate within the religious communities themselves to some extent.

This believe teaches that life begins as soon as that little sperm gets up into the tube and breaks through the egg sack and fertilizes the egg, life begins. This is the strongest believe in the western world and probably the oldest although it would have been worded as life begins when a woman enters pregnancy. The reason is the fetus can be felt moving around inside the woman and it grows, so it must be alive.

Secondly: A more medical believe favored by many doctors.

This believe says that life begins when the umbilical cord becomes functional and begins to circulate the mother's blood through the fetus allowing it to live and grow. Doctors tell us this occurs around the 18th day of the pregnancy. A biblical support for this, they say, is in Deuteronomy where it says "life is in the blood". So, they are saying life begins on the 18th day, or so, of the pregnancy because that is when the blood of the mother provides life.

Thirdly, At birth:

Some people believe, or say they believe, that fife begins when the baby is born and take it's first breath. To these people, that is when life begins so, they say, it is alright to abort a baby before he is born. They adopted this idea to support legalizing abortions. It has led to over 40 million abortions in 40+ years.

Fourthly Reincarnation:

In the Eastern part of the world reincarnation has a large following. They believe you don' die at all, you just change bodies over time. When a human body that you occupy from birth, and before even, wears out, yo leave it and go to the house of he lord, what we call heaven, where you prepare for your next life in a human body. We are not human beings, we are spiritual beings that occupy a human body for a short time, but we never die.

Which do you believe?

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