Everything You Need to Know About Reiki

in #life7 years ago

In today’s world of industry and technology, people tend to be more concerned about what they do. As a result, they find it difficult to find harmony and balance in life. It is important to note that personal evolution and healing cannot be forced; they simply have to be discovered. People stand to experience greater harmony and balance when they flow with incoming energy. This is where Reiki comes in. A state of non-action, Reiki is more concerned about “being” and has little or nothing at all to do with “doing.”
The root system called “Reiki” was discovered by a Japanese doctor Mikao Usui. Several grandmasters of Reiki has received this effective tradition and methods of healing and passed it on to others. Today, the Usui System of natural Healing has risen to become one of the most widely practiced forms of healing in the world.
When it comes to Reiki treatment, there are certain things that every practitioner needs to take into consideration. Whether it is intended for self-treatment or for treating clients Reiki has proven to be very effective at enhancing energy and reducing stress, pain, and fatigue. Here are 5 great tips everyone needs to know about Reiki.

The Concept of Reiki
Reiki is a spiritual healing art in which healing energy is transferred from the practitioner to the patient to reduce fatigue, pain, and stress as well as enhance energy. This alternative medical treatment is a profound tool for use in self-care.
Reiki derived its roots from Japanese origin. It was created from two Japanese words “Rei” meaning “Universal Life” and “KI” meaning “Energy.” Reiki is not associated with any particular religious practice or religion. The practice is also not based on any belief or suggestion. Reiki is not massage but an efficient and subtle form of energy work that employs spiritually channeled life force energy.
As a life energy, Reiki flows through all living things. Virtually all its practitioners believe that everyone is capable of connecting with their own healing energy which can be used to help others and even strengthen energy in themselves.
A person’s body and mind can be said to be in a positive state of health when his or her energy – also known as “Ki” – is strong and free flowing. However, symptoms of emotional or physical imbalance could be experienced when the energy becomes weak or blocked.
Apart from helping to ease stress and tension, a Reiki session can provide the body with the needed support to facilitate a healing environment on all levels – emotional, mental and physical. Reiki is often being utilized to promote personal wells. A session is always performed in a pleasant and relaxing environment.
As a great tool for enhancing relaxation and promoting stress, Reiki helps the body to create an enabling environment that can facilitate healing. Although it is not a cure for any illness or disease, it is simply a complementary tool to traditional medicine that can be applied to promote individual well-being at any time.

Practice Every Day
Just as the popular saying goes “practice makes perfect.” No doubt there is a great need to practice Reiki every day if improvements must be achieved. It’s a great means of developing skills and ability to perform effective Reiki treatment. The process of going through daily life is often strenuous and arduous because it is associated with energy sucking tasks, germs, and negative emotions.
Why is it that most people often feel very tired whenever they want to go to bed at night? It is simply because they are running low on energy which has been taken away from them during the day. Reiki practice is an important activity that is recommended to be performed daily.
In fact, the most popular way to work with Reiki is by performing self-treatment. This emphasizes the need for constant practice. Even at a professional level, daily practice is very much recommendable. When it comes to practicing Reiki, there are quite a number of methods to choose from including Joshin Kokyu Ho, Gassho meditation and lots more.
The essential element of Reiki practice is healing. It is simply the best path of self-improvement. A person who cannot successfully carry out self-healing can hardly heal others with Reiki. Practicing Reiki should last for at least 30 minutes daily.

Heal the source of the problem
Some people believe that Reiki flows right where the healing ought to take place. No wonder, it is being referred to as “an intelligent energy.” Reiki has a natural ability that helps to reestablish harmony where it was once lost. Unfortunately, most people tend to forget this fact and then try to force healing in areas where they want it to happen and when they fail to get the desired result, they begin to feel bad about it. Well, it is important to note that Reiki only heals what must be healed and not what people want to be healed.
Reiki will flow effectively when it is sent in accordance with the highest good of the healee and all living beings. It has the ability to heal what must be healed and bringing back harmony without any side effects. It is imperatively important to understand that each Reiki practitioner has limited control over this Reiki force as they are only channels for energy flow.
Bear in mind that this process is majorly concerned with healing the source of the problem and not the symptoms. When doing Reiki, focus on the source and not on the symptoms. Symptoms will vanish when the source is healed. However, it is good to know that time places a significant role in the healing of a problem source. So never be discouraged when symptoms still persist. Be patient and keep doing Reiki.


Follow Reiki Precepts
As an integral part of Reiki practice, always ensure to abide by these precepts. A Reiki practitioner who fails to accept and integrate these precepts into his or her life will find it difficult to successfully use Reiki to heal problems. By making changes in five major fields of life – compassion, self-growth, gratitude, thoughts, and emotions, these precepts serve as simple guidelines that present the best means to effectively heal life.
These five principles were developed by Reiki founder Dr. Mikao Usui. He believed that every Reiki practitioner must firstly see the need to take responsibility for their own wellbeing and health before setting out to practice Reiki and transfer healing energy to others. Here are his definitions for the five principles he developed.

  • Just for today, do not be angry (Emotion)
    Considered as the most complex inner enemy, anger can create serious blockages in one’s energy. Bring peace into the mind by letting go of anger.
  • Just for today, I will not worry (thoughts)
    Although worry is not always a bad thing, it can be a burden to the body and soul when it fills one’s head. Energy needs to spread throughout the entire body before worry can be removed.
  • Just for today, I will be grateful (gratitude)
    As an important element of this principle, gratitude should come from within. It’s a great way to bring joy into the spirit. Improve other people’s life and even make them happy by saying simple things like thanks and other good words.
  • Just for today, I will do my work honestly (self-growth)
    Bring abundance into the soul by living a life of honor, earning a respectable living and supporting self and family.
  • Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing (compassion)
    Bring love into the will by being kindhearted to everyone including, elders, neighbors, teachers and parents.

Reiki Applications
As life energy, Reiki has the ability to effectively heal, cleanse and rejuvenate cellular activity thereby improving the performance of endocrine glands, organs, tissues as well as improving immunity. Its ability to cleanse mental-emotional faculties helps to direct life’s events and purify human words and actions.
A good Reiki healing session cannot only create an immediate effect but can establish a long-lasting solution. By enhancing the level of positive life force energy circulating within, Reiki helps to determine the level of harmony, health, and happiness anyone can enjoy.
Reiki healing helps to smoothen out mental/emotional pressure, relax muscles and relieve stress and tension. Even within minutes of applying this hands-on treatment on the affected organ/area, a significant reduction in pain and soreness can be experienced.


In the face of unfavorable situations and under certain harmful influences, the human mental-emotional faculties can react negatively. However, Reiki can help to prevent this from happening as it tends to bring firmness of decision and clarity of mind. It also helps to improve ability and boost inner confidence so as to be able to make the most out of life.
Even relationships can be mended through Reiki. Within days of regular Reiki healing, understanding, love, and acceptance can be effectively improved among people even when both parties are not aware it. As a treatment with unconditional attributes, Reiki will always work towards the highest good of all parties involved.