The fragility of life in general.
What is hope if not a prayer? What’s the difference when both are direct appeals to the highest of higher powers? Who would deny anyone’s right to believe as life’s tests expose everyone’s given strengths and weaknesses, directing or compelling us to believe and act as we do? So long as innocents aren’t forced to pay the price, no one can honestly judge anyone else while there are times we can’t even know the root and depth of personal problems nor the problems and pains of those we’re closest to. These same pains we sometimes lock selflessly away to keep those most innocent and vulnerable from suffering beside us.
No one created themselves and none can live someone else’s life. Some who’ve never been in the wrong place at the wrong time, can’t comprehend it could happen to them. How can anyone know while we can’t be anyone but ourselves long enough to take even the first step in understanding what it would be like to experience life, or walk even one short mile, in someone else’s shoes? No human is qualified to judge while we can’t always see or admit the need in ourselves, to want or accept outside help in finding the keys to open the next locked door.
We all have the same potential weaknesses and strengths ready to be triggered by happenings or a sequence of events well beyond our personal control. With none above nor below us in the self creation competition, we all have much more in common on that account than some would care to admit. Only psychopaths are truly alone, unable to sense and feel the gravity and depth of anyone else’s pain or the mutual joy of loving and living in peace and harmony, however short lived or imaginary that might be.
We’ve indoctrinated ourselves to falsely believe we can conquer everything with the shear force of will - it’s all up to us, so we’ve been told, to be what we want and achieve whatever level of success is desired. Nothing could be further from the truth while the path to personal success was paved by the struggles and failures, as well as triumphs, of all that came before us. The success of some often means the loss of opportunity for innocent others or nature itself. Our personal will has us fighting each other as individuals and countries, while we force oursquare pegged will on the whole of the world and nature itself at our own peril and that of life in general. Their priority is not our priority while so many are at war with their own internal Governor which explains right from wrong to human vanities and egos that keep us from listening to the true inner voices of ourselves and each other. We’re nothing without each other and the diverse interdependent life forms that keep nature’s life cycles turning and able to sustain life as we know it.
We mistakenly thought we’d done all the right things to be the greatest successes, relying on ourselves to make us who we are, independent and free as any birds could be. We never thought untimely death would hit so hard and close to home. It reached right in and stole our breath away, to leave us down on the cold hard floor, out of control, helpless and lonely but not alone. We’re never truly alone as we’re bound to our own mother’s soul that’s bound with the soul of Mother Earth and that of the entire universe while she and they are always with us wherever and whenever we may go.