I Don't Know What I'm Doing So I'll Do It Anyway and Call It Cool

in #life5 years ago (edited)

I've been on a bit of a break from everything lately.
Damn. Hitting these keys while inside the fog makes it hard to blog.
I thought about posting some old work but haven't been here in six days.
Doing that might make me look like a jerk.

NoNamesLeftToUse - Nothing cover.png

Moderation in all things.

Yet for the past four months all I did was this and now it stings.

I have a confession to make.

I cheated on you. I've been seeing other people.

Being a producer of the content, daily, means eventually, I need to relax.

Normally I'll avoid most forms of entertainment when I'm producing my own, for you, so what I'm producing doesn't become a product of outside influences.

While I was away, relaxing, I enjoyed a few movies, videos, articles, whatevers, from the dreaded land of elsewhere.

Please don't hate me.

I became bored with the Steem related content.

I like to stay informed but I can only handle so many posts about current events on the platform. Keep doing what you do. I just needed a break.

To all those around here producing your own style: Keep doing what you do, too.

I don't need to complain.

What you do pays you, not me.

Unless I vote for it.

After venturing out into the land of other content from elsewhere, consuming hours worth of content, I noticed how, after about six days, I hit an actual 'like button' only a few times. Usually I'd 'upvote' music, because that action was adding that song to my playlist.

If there wasn't anything in it for me, there was no reason to upvote anything outside of this place before, during, or after consuming it.

Upvoting or 'liking' content on Youtube, for instance, only diminishes my chances of finding content I didn't know I'd be interested in before consuming it. The more I 'like' things there, the more of the same old crap shows up in my feeds and suggested videos sections. That's okay at first, but after spending almost a week enjoying some down time, those suggestions constantly popping up became annoying.

Youtube is jam-packed with content, produced by copycat artists.

Public pranks and street humor is great. Then you get these suggestions and notice others do the exact same thing. Some even fake it. There's nothing funny about a bad actor pretending to be pranked yet these jokers are somehow laughing all the way to the bank.

Saw some bogus random acts of kindness as well. Content producers playing on the viewer's heartstrings for a potential payday and a few more subscribers to dupe again later is despicable.

It slightly pisses me off I got sucked into consuming content I didn't enjoy and the simple act of being there is what pays the producer, whether I like it or not.

The consumers aren't idiots either. Reading the comment section under some of those shit posts proved a lot.

I'm trying to make a point.

From the consumer's perspective.

I've been a content consumer my entire life. So have you.

What we do here on Steem is far superior to these other business models I see around the internet. My vote supports the content and producers I like, plus I get something out of the deal, so I want to do it more.

If I'm going to sit here, on my ass, being lazy, I want that downtime to be productive and beneficial as well, since that's an option now.

Time is money.

And this is nothing new.

If only everyone bought a ticket...

It's hockey season time again so of course I found myself three beers in, enjoying some puck, performed live.

Going out to enjoy a hockey game, that's me consuming some content.

Later on I had drinks with a young lady who's on the board. Quite a few steps down from general manager but still enough to be in the know.

I worked with her back in the day so we had a lot of catching up to do. I mentioned what I'm doing here, explained a few things, or at least tried. I was getting the blank stare until I said something along the lines of, "It's much like your 50/50 lottery you folks sell every game."

A lot of the sporting events I've been to offer the 50/50 draw. Buy a ticket and there's your chance to win half of the ticket revenue generated that day. It's a sweet deal, if you win.

She liked my idea. Wouldn't it be interesting if everyone who bought a ticket got a share, and that share depends on when they bought the ticket, and how much they paid for their seat?
Similar to our reward system here.

We were both buzzing hard but agreed more consumers would purchase a ticket, and more would feel comfortable spending a bit more for a better seat, if that meant they'd get a return on that investment, plus they'd rush to purchase tickets, hoping to get the biggest share of the rewards pool.

I hope this catches on,


I thought about this place a lot while on break. Talked about it while away, doing my thing.

It bugs me.

I've been thinking and talking/writing about it for months. Consumers. Provide consumers with a variety of actual entertainment then show them how to make a purchase that allows them to tip producers forever without costing more, plus the consumer earns as well. They spend the money on entertainment anyway, to the tune of billions annually.

None of this get rich quick bullshit either. This platform and all tribes would benefit greatly if thousands of consumers bought tokens so they could contribute to the curation process, plus treat themselves to a new toy years down the road or a cheap bottle of wine and be happy with that. They're getting a better deal here than anywhere else. Large investors are always welcome but millions of consumers is how the entertainment industry makes money, so this place needs them. Open that door and they'll create demand for the tokens.

Purchasing tokens should be as easy as visiting a retail store where Steem has a display of plastic cards representing tribes or other entertainment services available on the blockchain. Buy the card with cash, redeem it online transferring funds to the wallet, then stake and bake!
Wouldn't that be nice...

How long can this go on?

Content producers playing the role of consumer as well...


This bugs me.

I'd love to see thousands of eyes on your work, daily. This platform has always had a severe shortage of dedicated consumers. Spending two years pushing actual talent away so garbage could rise to the top, annoying the potential consumers, didn't help.

Now the talent is coming back. They'll need an audience. Honest and dedicated curators.

Honest talent as well. While I was away, I was still here consuming your content, browsing around. I saw a guy buy votes for a post. Nobody noticed. A day or two later, he bought votes again for his next post. In the video he was "thanking" people for the "support and feedback" he received. Delusional. Thanking himself? Nobody even commented on the post he was talking about. It was the only post on the trending page without a comment.

As a content consumer who was already annoyed with some of the producers on Youtube, that "content" with the paid votes and nonsensical ramblings made me cringe. Two years of watching "content producers" here mislead their potential viewership and pretend to be popular was enough.

Thanks to all those keeping an eye on things and downvoting the trash.

I truly hope the streets stay clean so this property value can rise and we can attract some more outside eyes.

I might take a few more days off.

But I might be back tomorrow with something fresh.

Today I wanted to get a few thoughts out of my mind before they make me go all wacky, plus let you all know I'm still alive and well, so I did that. Did you miss me?

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
All content within this blog is 100% organic ACTUAL CONTENT and contains no paid vote additives!

"Don't forget to check out #showcase-sunday!"

© 2019 @NoNamesLeftToUse.


I love YouTube for some mindless watching. I've thing I can't abide though is the current trend for reaction videos...

Come see me watch a song and react to it!!! Lol at my o shaped mouth reaction thumbnail. See me gaps in astonishment at the guitarist playing... Guitar!!!

Madness. Fucking popular right enough. :0)

I saw people buying "mystery boxes", then, get this.... they opened the mystery box!!!!

I could tell one guy put a few random things from his house inside there. The bad acting told me it was a fake box. The bastard made me watch nearly 12 minutes, because I was scammed into thinking he'd pull something crazy out, like a bag of drugs or a gun or a severed foot. Nothing. Then my suggestions were full of this nonsense.

Those reaction videos are shit. Unboxing videos are shit. Game streams where the voice constantly says thanks to anyone who subscribed or sent money is annoying. I'm to the point now where I might actually subscribe to a television provider again.

One thing I enjoyed though was a channel of old commercials I remember seeing as a kid. That brought back some memories. It was something I searched for though. The suggestions make me live the same day over and over. I like to search random things, then look for the most recent uploads. I find cool shit long before it goes viral.

It was something I searched for though.

A tribal consumer.

Mystery boxes. I watched one once and thought wtf!?

Never again. My latest joy is watching flat earth videos. Am unearthed seam of hilariousness!!

I hope they fall off the edge one of these days.

The NASA won't let them past the ice wall, hehe

The ice wall they're not allowed to visit, but somehow know exists?

That's the one, the one that gained a lot more supporters after game of thrones!

gaps in astonishment

sounds hot.

Lol, sounds great. I'm going to remember that for a post title!

Gaps in astonishment is some deep stuff.

It is, I like to think that it was my subconscious and not just autocorrect... :0D

Thanks to all those keeping an eye on things and downvoting the trash.

Being away means you missed the drama, and there's been some in the last day or two. I do wonder why I participate in all this, probably because I have a decent investment here.

I came for the content and an outlet to write. I wish sometimes that was it, and all this other stuff I didn't have to do.

I saw some of the drama. It's taking center stage in some cases, which reminds me of the time we dodged a bullet. Joe Rogan had Steemit up on his screen during one of his podcasts. Millions saw that podcast and got to see our trending page, briefly. That day, the top few posts weren't bad, compared to a few days before when it was just some petty flag war drama. Joe Rogan is a comedian. If those posts were there and they clicked just to see what's happening here, it would have been one joke after another to the point where someone like me who kinda takes the place seriously as a content production platform would have been embarrassed to be here.

One guy who got mixed up with all this was looking at an Etiquette guide that was written 3 years ago?

FFS.. 3 years.., 3 months and a lot changes and it's sad that people need to read one of these to be able to know what to do and not what!

I did some posts months back.. like newbie tips, but they are now out of date. Do you need a guide on how to behave on Facebook, how about Twitter?

One is needed for HERE though! People are so protective of this platform, including me.., it can be laughable.

I remember some of these guides. There used to be handful of guides written daily. A lot of them focused on how to create content, properly. Most of those guides were terrible. I've been breaking all of their rules for over three years. I'm still here, they are not.

I remember some of these guides.

There seems to be none now. Perhaps its because so few new people join, yet the ones that do don't know what the fuck to do. It's overwhelming and too complicated for many.

I didn't know anything when I got here. Googled everything I wanted to know, when I needed it. There is a lot of outdated material though. People still arrive after being duped on Youtube to show up here and buy votes...

i have seen the same kind of prank in Youtube from over 50-60 people. even the time between each one's video is close to the other's :P


Have you seen that one joke where they go to the store and say ridiculous things over the intercom?

Yeah.. Tom Green did that, almost 25 years ago....

'They're getting a better deal here than anywhere else. Large investors are always welcome but millions of consumers is how the entertainment industry makes money, so this place needs them. Open that door and they'll create demand for the tokens.'

Steem going up (maybe slowly, but for sure steadily) in just 3 sentences.
How difficult can it be.

I'm running out of ways to say it. It's not difficult. The slow and steady rise is the goal I've always had in mind. More money coming in than what can go out.

How long can this go on?

Content producers playing the role of consumer as well

Is something I ask myself all the time about steem. I put as much time in as I can commenting on others posts, but that's not what I'm here for, I'm here to write! Which I've been doing now on steem for 26 months. It seems the only way to become successful on here unless you're one of the 'chosen ones', is to read and commenting on tones of posts/day.

I haven't got the time or energy for the levels of engagement I used to keep up anymore. I recently wrote a post called 'Crypto, the Big C and the Dark Night of the Soul'... one comment that wasn't a bot. Which I can only assume means one person read that post. It's shit like that which makes me consider powering down and leaving every single day.

Let's throw the question of rewards out of the window for a second.

If you write good content on steem at the moment, but don't have the time to engage (massively) with others then you can forget about anyone coming to read your posts, unless as I said you're one of the 'chosen ones'. People naturally flood to people who are being boosted up consistently thinking they have the secret sauce. This is the biggest reason people leave! This is the biggest reason people think things are fixed on steem.

P.s. just in case you get offended by what I'm saying here in gonna qualify it; I'm not speaking about you per say, your writing is very good... but so is the writing of many many other steemians, half of whom have left. Most didn't leave as much because of lack of rewards than the fact that their readership dwindled to nothing. This is the number one reason I see in people's comments who have left in the first weeks of joining steem. They don't know about discord, they don't understand networking properly and then they spend time making something good and receive zero feedback. Similarly, I could easily list ten very good creative writers who left because they were intelligent enough to recognise that the quality of their work didn't mean shit because they hadn't powered up more than 10% of what they'd earned. It's the lack of engagement that will drive good content creators away from steem much faster than low rewards.

These issues need to be addressed, and as you rightly point out it's because we are dangerously short of consumers. Steem is a place where consumers can literally be rewarded for consuming their favourite style of content, so I don't get why concerted efforts haven't been made to pursue this from a marketing perspective.

It's all very well people saying 'we've got to sort out the system first so that the shit posts are no longer on trending', that is underway, and it's a good thing. But steem is becoming a smaller and smaller community, and the overall quality of content creators coming in isn't getting any better. It's not being marketed effectively to highlight the potential for consumers with the EIP 50/50 changes.

It's like we as a community have crashed the plane in the arctic, panicked and eaten both our legs for fear of starving and now we can't walk out of the frozen fucking arctic where we crashed.

This platform has always had a severe shortage of dedicated consumers. Spending two years pushing actual talent away so garbage could rise to the top, annoying the potential consumers, didn't help.

Tbh, I know you see some of the problems very clearly so forgive me if this comment sounded preachy. It wasn't meant to be. I'm just venting about things that have pissed me off for a long time, and I have little idea how to address. I guess debate around these subjects helps, but without action soon all this talk will be useless.

P.s. nothing wrong with a bit of a break from steem. That's the only way to avoid the dreaded burn out. Nice to see you back and writing 🙂

Early on, if I was grouchy about something here, it was usually a low view count. Now we don't even have a view counter. I can't be here when it gets quiet. I internalize that stuff, drives me nuts, makes me think I did something wrong. It's also incredibly hard for me to get around to everyone and comment. All these years and I haven't been on Discord. Rarely use steem chat. Too busy trying to write and produce art, daily. Damn right it causes burn out. And nothing I do means anything, especially the art, if people don't look. I grateful though for all the good that has come my way. I don't take it for granted. I want to work and at least feel like I'm earning all this, and I do.

Too busy trying to write and produce art, daily. Damn right it causes burn out. And nothing I do means anything, especially the art, if people don't look.

Yup, I feel the same way. This is why I end up considering leaving pretty much every week. It's also why 0% of my fiction or poetry gets posted to steem anymore. I'm not going to devalue the time I spend crafting it by putting it out here and giving up first publishing rights.

I also wish there was a view counter on steem still, it would make it a hell of a lot easier to judge how much impact you're making as a writer. I arrived just after they scrapped it.

Posted using Partiko Android

As long as Steemit is unable to provide us with every form of entertainment we so desire, we’ll have to go elsewhere to see it. Maybe somewhere in the future we’ll have all the streaming services and what not running on blockchain technology.

And of course I missed you.

The variety exists. I'll give the people here credit. We all do our thing, our way. It's nice to have it all in one place, plus now it's organized as well on other frontends. Things will take time. It bugs me though we had to spend years going in reverse. Actual content producers didn't even have a voice. That bugs me as well because there's so many of us here who do a fine job of grabbing attention, naturally, our own ways, plus holding it there for the consumer, yet placed on the back burner, as if people weren't aware of how much money entertainment in general, regardless of what type of content it is, can generate.

Missed me? I didn't think anyone noticed I was gone...

This place does (currently) seem to be the only one where it literally pays to be a quiet consumer (unless I'm misunderstanding one of the other sites I was playing on but am currently only habitually glancing into every day).

Given the amount of times I've heard my kids favourite Youtubers panicking about possible demonetisation I keep thinking maybe they should be here instead.

Youtube is under a lot of pressure from advertisers. Youtubers, for the most part, can't seem to comprehend the business model here. They need a large viewership though. Most fail at bringing their following over and simply use this platform as a place to double dip.

Do you remember trying to get your friends/family to sign up to a new instant messaging thing/website/social media/etc because it's better than whatever you're using? If you've never done that you're much smarter than I am XD If you have, you already know how nigh on impossible it is to budge people XD I thought my latest attempt to onboard my sister had a chance as she asked me to do Inktober with her this year, and I said I would if she joined steem. Neither of those things happened ^_^;

simply use this platform as a place to double dip.

I don't understand? :S If you're talking about cross-posting, that's pretty much all I do. I don't cross-post to nearly as many places these days because time is my biggest issue now, but it was always about finding potentially new interested and interesting people who might not be in other places I was, and also something about eggs and baskets. Never really thought about it being double dipping before O_O

In fairness to the Youtubers, I don't think a lot of people understand the business model here. Hell even a lot of people here (or that were here) don't understand the business model here.

I don't sell this place as a social network to friends and colleagues. Doing that only sets them up for disappointment because then they think all it takes is a facebook style post numerous times per day to get anywhere. I tell the capable folks I know this is a good platform to publish your own online magazine, or something like that.

I don't cross post. This entity works here exclusively. There's more money in that I find. If people can go anywhere to see what I do here, they don't need to come here, and that's not good. I want them here, I want them signing up, I hope they purchase some stake so they can tip forever. It's a good deal. Best in town.

You're right. Most don't get this business model. Most don't even realize it's a business.

I do understand that logic and don't see anything wrong with staying exclusively on one site. Personally I'd rather be easily accessible and have backups in case something goes poof :) Having said that I'm pretty much down to just steem that gets everything my blog gets, because cross-posting is a time consuming pain in the system. Managing just one account would be much easier! XD The other sites I post to are just getting my finished art, Narrative might also be getting my homeschooling miscellany but I'm back on observer mode with it, either way pretty few and far between posts.

If I had to explain this place I think I'd describe it as kind of like a two-way ko-fi :)

The style this entity uses requires the community and social elements found here. On the surface, it might look strange to stumble across a rambling post with random questions and suddenly tomatoes, like my most recent post, anywhere else. That stuff doubles as consumer friendly marketing and has brought in a lot of eyes to view my sometimes bizarre outsider art style. There's a method to my madness.

"A day or two later, he bought votes again for his next post. In the video he was "thanking" people for the "support and feedback" he received. Delusional. Thanking himself? Nobody even commented on the post he was talking about."

Haha We should all start publicly thanking ourselves more. Sure, we'll all look like narcissistic jackasses but think of what it will do for our self esteem.

Thank you me for giving us the courage to click "Post" on this absurd comment.

Thanks me, for reading this and responding. I couldn't have done it without me.

I was actually wondering if you had decided to take the trail bike to the next Level and take a punt at clearing the Grand Canyon. I tried to clear a particular large puddle the other day, sadly all it got me was wet socks for the rest of the day.

You are right of course, while the Steem Blockchain consists of a whole bunch of creators trying to also be curators and leave comments little progress will be made. The million dollar question is, how to get them to sign up and create an account - in fact without a physical view count on posts how do we even know the amount of people viewing any particular post? Right now it is assumed upvotes and comments denote it is being seen, but the actual load count might reveal a very different picture.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I took the dirtbike for one last spin then spent time getting it cleaned up and ready for winter storage. Always a depressing time of year.

I'd love to see a real view counter. The old one was abused, though I made sure not to sit here and hit f5 because I needed the real numbers. I think even I'd be depressed after seeing the results these days. I used to get hundreds of views within the first few hours. It's a lot quieter these days, it seems, but I can't know for sure, because there's no view counter.

Marketing to curators. I'd take the proven approach where the consumer is sold the idea of getting something in return. When I was a kid, we had toys in the cereal box. They sell games now and offer special downloadable content. There's always something thrown into the mix to make the deal appealing to the consumer. Even car dealerships offer "cash back" or employee pricing. The consumer need to feel like they're getting a deal, and especially when it's compared to the competition.

Restricting a view counter to one per IP address would be trivial - although as everyone has a VPN available to switch location by will nowadays then that could still be gamed - but at least a most viewed would give popular looked at content - just an alternative to Trending.

Happy Days! I remember the Ghostbuster gifts in cereals (yes I’m that old) every morning hoping the glow in the dark would pop out when I shook the packet. Then of course the one morning you forgot to check and nearly choked to death on the damn thing - guess that’s why they don’t stick them in there any more - too many legal fees.

Don’t even get me started on games, game passes and skins to buy on a “free” game, plus the constant marketing machine of YouTube gamers telling everyone how great the latest game is...they always miss out the for five minutes then it’s boring.

But yes, for more eyes on posts the masses are going to need more incentive then the poultry curation rewards they will get unless they invest a few thousand dollars. Maybe if there were accounts with masses of Steem Power and nothing to do with it now nobody can buy votes from them - they could utilise it by rewarding COMMENTS of value. I imagine once people worked out they could earn money by writing something relatively intelligible in the comment of a post regarding that post they would do it more often.

Posted using Partiko iOS

I'd like to see consumers purchase tokens. Sure, they can play this game without paying, but they won't earn much at all. In a perfect world, seeing many purchase enough for a 1 cent vote leads to higher rewards long term due to token demand. So many show up now and want to get rich quick. I'd like to see folks content with earning, treating those curation rewards like points, then using those points to either cash out or use to purchase other tokens or game perks available on the chain, for instance. One could watch Youtube videos for ten years. They wouldn't even get a tank of gas out of that. Plus consumers are always donating, again and again and again, throwing that money away. Do the math. 10000 people with a vote worth a penny. Watch how far that goes over time. It's a far better deal than donating, plus the consumer earns, or can have their money back at any time. Creating demand is the goal. The money already exists, so this platform needs to tap into that resource.

I noticed I had not seen a post from you in a few days, so I guess in that sense I did miss you. I just finished watching the Game of Thrones season 7, I still have a hard time seeing 7 episodes as a season, anything less than the old standard of 18-20 episodes is not a real season to me. So I just figured you were on hiatus for a little bit, recharging the creative juices so to speak.

Content choice is getting hard to find. Several times this last two weeks I have had to go to the Hot tab to find things to vote on and things to read. The Hot tab seems to still be pretty much working as long as it is not a steemburnpost time frame. The Trending tab, still for this particular consumer, filled with mostly paid advertising type content.

So your return is nice, it does give me one more piece of entertainment to enjoy. Even the entertaining comments from others. People should not stop reading at the end of the produced content, they should read onward through the comments.

I find it nearly impossible to watch a show, one weekly episode at a time, like the old days. The Walking Dead was a good one for me. I waited five seasons before watching the first episode. Then it was like a long movie I couldn't put down, like a book. I don't even know what's happening with the show now. Letting a few more seasons build up. Maybe it's over? I don't know....

Yes. Trending tab from a consumer standpoint was annoying but there's some good stuff, if you dig.

I enjoy this comment section. 99% of the time it's chill, no BS trolls and flame wars.

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