Does Steemit Really Work? You Wouldn't Believe Me Even if I Told You
Good day to you, the reader of this.
My name is Damien. Around here, I'm known as @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself.
It's nice to finally meet you!
I'm going to start out by making something crystal clear to anyone who might ever read this.
I am here, representing only myself. Steemit Inc. did not put me up to this. This is not some sort of lame-ass online bullshit testimonial, nor is it meant to be an advertisement of any kind.
Does Steemit Really Work?

If you found this document by using Google or a similar search engine, you're probably not going to believe me.
There's no point in mentioning how I've been able to earn over $50000.00 by posting my art and writing skills here on Steemit.
Now that I've said $50000.00, if you didn't believe me before, there's no way you'll believe me now.
I don't even know why I waste my time on you people.
Yeah, Yeah, Yeah
I already know what you're thinking.
That's not proof! It's just a random picture you made with doctored numbers meant to reflect what was said previously, then placed in just the right locations to make it appear as if a professional was here. Anyone can do that! Even my crackhead brother's alcoholic wife!
I don't care if you don't believe me! There are thousands of people here who have earned money by publishing their own work here on Steemit! They're everywhere! Take your damn blinders off!
It's December 24, 2017! If you come here in ten years and see my account value sitting at $0.00, that's your fault! You stress me out! How am I supposed to stop myself from spending that money on hookers and blow after all this shit you've put me through!
Why did I even wake up today!
17000 Steempower, that's why!
I woke up today to come here and say I've reached my goal of earning 17000 Steempower before the year 2018.
If you googled this, and you read this far, and you don't know what Steempower is.... Google it! Why do you have to leave it up to me to explain everything around here!
F Word!
Don't make me say it on Christmas Eve! My blood is boiling! Do I come to your house on Christmas Eve and poop on your floor!

I don't remember asking for your attitude problems for Christmas either!
Dear Santa,
Hi, no time to talk. I need:
- 7 screws for that end table you gave me last year(make sure you actually count this time)
- pack of smokes
- lighters(not the cheap kind again)
- socks that don't end up smelling like shit(do you wipe your ass with them before you give them to me?)
- case of beer(24 pack, not 12)
- Super Nintendo controller
- Japanese sex doll(female this time, asshole)
- 17000 Steempower
- New bucket and mop
- another illustrated book about birds
- that little truck I lost when I was six years old
- pancake mix
- 3 pack of small propane canisters
- 2 butter knives
- weed(not dandelions)
- something that will kill all of these dandelions
- 1 used cat
- winter tires
- gitch
- staples
- stapler
- a few of those microwaveable meals they serve in jail(not the turkey one!)
- actual talent
- strawberry jam, peanut butter, bread(I'd like to try my hand at cooking)
- a Jump to Conclusions Mat
- world peace
Nope! Don't see any attitude problems there!
Thank you, everyone. Yes, Steemit truly does work. Pardon me if I get a bit sappy here. This, you folks, everything, all of it. I'm forever grateful. I mean it. This has changed my life. I know, you've heard it all before, and you don't believe me. It's okay. I realize we're all surrounded by money, which in turn can create so much negativity. So many takers. So much greed. We all knew it would happen.
I worked hard for what I've earned here. I came with nothing. A lone wolf. The outsider artist who only wanted to stand out.
All of this time and effort was totally worth it. Best thing I ever did in my life.
I need things. We all need things. Things cost money. I'm sitting here looking at that amount of money in my account, thinking about all of the things I could buy with that. My labor, my blood, sweat and tears. It all sits there because right now, the only thing I really want is the ability to give and help in return.
I must be fucking crazy.
Merry Christmas.

17000 is cool. Good luck to you. Happy holiday
Very cool. Thanks and happy holidays to you as well.
That Santa wish list... lmao))
Merry Christmas to you too!)
I hope I didn't forget anything!
Merry Christmas!
Oh yeah Steemit does work! There are so many people to be a proof. It's just a matter of time before more people realize it's not a scam. Before that time, let's all enjoy being the "enlightened ones" and in year or so we will smile back to this moment when there still was so much resentment for Steemit and all the cryptoworld :)
It takes a special breed. You don't hear about Steemit, then sit on your hands and do nothing. It's either your thing, instantly, or it's not.
Well to be honest, it wasn't my thing back 4 months ago when I started :) It took my some times to grasp the concept of cryptocurrencies and all those things. I'm not taking things lightly, need to make my own research, study the subject. I'm not easily convinced. But now, after some time I actually think it's all legit and I'm getting involved to the fullest :)
I heard about this place from a Youtube video. I watched something I was interested in, went outside for a cigarette, autoplay was engaged, when I came back I overheard people talking about it on a video I doubt I would have ever chose to play on my own. I knew about bitcoin, they mentioned pay in cryptocurrency, so I was already familiar and knew the money was legit.
I went on rambling for eight days straight. I thought people would read. They didn't, at least, not many did. I had to step up my game. It took me two days to learn how to format properly by simply googling the word "how" along with whatever I needed. I knew I had to teach myself, because I didn't want my work to be like all the others.
People told me images make a huge difference. I'm an artist, or at least try to be. I didn't want to take someones image and use it in my blog while I'm getting paid, because I didn't think that was fair or honest, so I just started making my own. No matter how bad it looked, didn't matter to me.
Then, rather than trying to follow the herd and do things that seemed to already be working for some people, I decided to unleash this beast within. Just started being myself. I stayed on course, and here we are.
Best thing I ever did.
Do you have any advice for music producers on Steemit? I make electronic music and I’d love to share my stuff here, maybe do some tutorials on production techniques and some progress documentation. I find it hard to tell if there is an interest in this type of content, and I’m not really a blogger, so maybe I should look elsewhere?
Hi @lums.
That's a cool name.
You'll have to get in and start mingling with the music crowd here. That's a good first step. Have some material prepared in advance so you're able to blog consistently. You don't want to be sitting there, wondering about what to write next. If you know your stuff and know it well, the words should flow. Blogging isn't that hard. It's just talking.
The most important thing, in my opinion, is to make it entertaining. Have some personality. A tutorial will only reach those who want to learn. An entertaining tutorial will bring in more views. Confidence is important. If you're mumbling about something, nobody cares, right? Put on a show.
There is an interest in that sort of thing, but only if YOU make it interesting.
Expect to feel like a nobody at first. Don't let it bruise your ego. We all have to start somewhere.
Oh I’m used to the nobody status, it’s actually a nice position to be in because there’s no pressure :) Thanks for the tips, I’ll give it some thought over the next couple days
I followed your account. Can't promise I'll be able to see your posts and vote but if I do and like what I see, you'll get one.
Formatting is important too. I taught myself. It's easy, if you don't know how.
Merry Christmas bud. Well done on the 17k steempower. Way to mater of fact the fuck out of a steemit 101. Cheers to 2018 and world domination!
Hey man, Merry Christmas! Yeah, this was a fun piece to put together. Just enjoying myself, didn't expect much out of it.
I'll drink to that! Cheers!
Dat wish of yours is so funny.....and truely steemit works many of my friends are proofs that the more reason why i got interested....and basically it gives me room to just read so many new things in a short period of time....
It allows someone like me to be myself. I can be as creative as I want. Nobody can stop me.
congrats...! 50k is huge money... and i really like the way you add some humour in between the lines...
I can't go an hour without doing something that might make people laugh. Terrible habit!
Nothing is better than developing this kind of habbit....never change it..
This is one of the first places I've experienced where people say, "Never change."
I won't! (but I will improve!)
Congrats @nonameslefttouse . May I ask how long you been on Steemit? 17,000 seems immensely big for a newbie like me to reach.
Thanks and Merry Christmas!
Thanks @kevinli.
I started up in September of 2016. I produced at least one solid post per day, everyday, until about March of 2017. I took one month off to recover. I then returned around April and again produced at least one post per day, everyday, until mid July. I then took five months off to recover and take care of life. I've been back for about 3 weeks I think, posting at least once per day. Never slacking and never pushing out crap attempting to milk the system and autovotes. One solid post per day and 99% of the images on this blog were produced by me.
In the early days, many would whine about pay, then eventually quit. The value of the tokens were worth a lot less then, so we'd earn more tokens, but see lower payout values. The same thing will happen again. Those who are earning two or three bucks today will see that turn into much more as long as they hold onto the tokens rather than trying to make a quick buck.
If I could upvote you with more money I would! I'm finding consistency and originality will be the natural way to keep rising on Steemit. I often get sad seeing a lot of copied posts that people upvote here.
I'm so happy to hear your story, especially since you've taken multiple long breaks, and still done so well.
Thank you so much :)
Merry Christmas! Your steempower amount is awesome and well deserved! I'm happy you're back here with your weird tales and way ahead of its time art. I definitely enjoy it way more than most things up in the Trending tab :-)
I love what I do here. Love it! See my steempower? Of course you do! Do I leave it there to have a reason to brag? Fuck no! It's there to give others hope! That trending page, more often than not, makes everyone feel so small. Don't feel small! Look what I did! If I can do this, so can anyone else! I'll sacrifice owning nice things. I'll take one for the team! This is what Steemit was supposed to be about. I'm drunk.
Funny stuff.
I think maybe he was hinting about being on the naughty list when he got you that. lol
Santa is sick! Sick in the head!
All right, All right. You convinced me. Even if I made 800 miserable dollars
in 5 months =)
By the way, for fuck sake, I am away for 5 days and you write a ton of stuff that I have to catch up now!!
$800? Your last post says $104. Some of that will go to curators. Some of that will go to Dtube(I think they act as a middleman and take a percentage?) The rest goes to you(majority of it) and you receive some Steempower and SBD's. Those SBD's are not worth $1. They are worth about $8 today. You're making far more money than you realize. :)
even if in the wallet, it says that the value of my account is 800$? I have only just started to make more upvotes the last 3 weeks.
Today I just claimed a post that had 6,50SBD pay out, I only received 2,50SBD of it and very little SP
I have noticed that lately, authors rewards are very low.
The estimated account value in your wallet doesn't account for the value of one SBD being more than $1.
I helped a friend here the other day. SBD was trading for $13 each on the market. He had 50 SBD. Once he used the currency market to sell the SBD and buy STEEM, his account value went from under $100 to over $500. Then, we waited a few days and watched the value of STEEM rise... and his account value is now over $1000.
There's a lot to learn but once you start playing your cards right, things start looking pretty damn good.
I had something like 100SBD and I converted into Steem with the convert into steem button, instead of going to the market and I lost a lot of money :(
I am learning on my skin.
Thanks, very informative!
Yes, everyone seems to make that silly mistake. I did it too, a long time ago.
This talk made me curious. I'm nosy. I looked in your wallet. You sent 3.469 SBD to buildawhale. That was actually worth just over 28 US dollars. I'm not sure what you'll get out of supporting something like buildawhale. I feel you have enough natural talent to be able to succeed here without dealing with those services.
well, I sent it to them and the vote pay back was 10SBD.
Let's see how much I will get as pay out tomorrow. Let's see if it is worth. I am doing it because if I don't invest somehow, it will take ages and I don't always have time to make videos and write- even if I am making the effort
Everything you do is up to you. The total doesn't add up to 10 sbd though. After curators take their cut(yes buildawhale now takes a portion of the curation reward too) and your payout is split into SBD and Steempower, you might either break even or see a tiny increase. When you do the math, then go look at how much money themarkymark is making by taking money from people in this fashion... you might reconsider.