A List of All the People I Hate on Steemit Along With Reasons Why

in #life6 years ago (edited)

I've seen a lot of people list their favorites.  I have a habit of doing things differently.
Today you get to meet the assholes!

NoNamesLeftToUse - Drama.jpeg

It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood.

A beautiful day for a neighbor.

Oh! Hello!  I didn't see you there.  Welcome to my blog post!

Today I'm covering the Top Ten People I Hate on Steemit!  Isn't this exciting!

I guess I could be calling it the bottom ten but these things don't matter unless you're a drunk pedant with OCD; and if that's the case, well, whatever, too bad, welcome to your free therapeutic session.

Coming up with a list like this...

Was easy!

This is the internet.  Look around.  See those trees?  Don't be fooled.  Those are actually people with sticks shoved up their asses and they make up an entire rain forest of bullshit and things I can't stand.

Yes, yes.  I realize doing something like this only makes me the king of that jungle but I don't care.  Rawr!

So without further ado,

here is my shit list!

NN Countdown.jpeg


What kind of an asshole would publish a list of people they don't like!

Did you really think I'd do it?

I don't hate anyone here.

I've had disagreements with people, sure.  That's different though.  A disagreement isn't supposed to be taken personally.  It's perfectly natural to see things differently than others, even those you love.

Plenty of times in my life, I've been wrong about something.  Every time I've been wrong, I didn't come out feeling defeated.  Yes it stings, yes it sucks, yes as someone who's naturally competitive; I want to win.  It's hard to feel like a loser though when you've learned something you didn't know before or got to see the world through another pair of eyes.

Being wrong means the next time you're experiencing a similar battle, you'll be right; or right until someone comes along to prove everyone wrong.

We need those people.  We need arguments; we need debate.

Some people aren't very good at fighting.  Some go for low blows.  On the streets, in a physical fight, there aren't any rules.

Some folks like to throw in personal attacks, insults, foul language, drama.  Have you ever noticed how some will immediately use that as leverage if they see it?  They'll be quick to judge.  They'll try to rub it in.  Try to make the other person feel like an idiot because they got emotional or said fuck.

Yeah whatever just shut the fuck up. You don't know what you're talking about, asshole.

Looks like somebody's getting emotional.  Does this really bother you so much that you can't even control yourself?  Can't think of anything smart to say so you have to swear?

That response is just as insulting but because some feel their intellect is superior to others when they mask their emotions and mince their words, they're too smart to even notice how they, at that moment, are offering up personal attacks of their own.

So which one is right and which one is wrong?  If you asked me, I'd say they're both assholes.  One simply does not give a fuck and the other is a pompous prick.

Who is the controller making people feel as if it's okay to be controlled?  Why do so many believe a squeaky clean and refined surface is all that's needed to be considered one of the good ones?  Why in the actual fuck do some people think I'm a terrible guy with half of a brain just because I said some fucking shit?

I'm not sure I care much about how people lead their lives.  Everyone has their own set of beliefs.  Some of these beliefs were passed down to them, and some folks learned on the fly.  I can respect one's beliefs.  If someone said, "Please don't swear in my home," I'd apologize.  If someone got aggressive and said, "There's no swearing in my house! Get out!"  I'd probably respond with, "Damn, dude.  What the fuck is your problem?"

Life is so hard.

Some people need to come with warning labels.

But instead they put the warning labels on music or movies, cigarettes, airbags.

I hope I don't have to come with a warning label someday.  A long time ago I wrote a comedy piece about the f-word.  I probably used it over one hundred times.  People laughed, I got noticed here, I felt good.  Before I hit the post button, I was nervous.  The reaction made that go away; I felt welcome here, for the first time.  I went to sleep smiling.  I woke up, my post was flagged away by one of the largest accounts on this platform.  You see those whales and their flag wars?  That's nothing compared to the flags I took.

I nearly quit.

I'm glad I didn't.

Even after that flag beating I took, had I wrote that list of the people I hate today, I can't even find a reason to hate the one who flagged my posts.  Someone simply disagreed.  Fair enough.  I'm over it.

So, this post started out as a joke.  I'm not sure why I started rambling on about these things.  I guess that's what was on my mind tonight.  No point in keeping it in.  Either you'll like it or you won't.  Doesn't matter to me, but if you don't vote, just know I have a shit list with plenty of open slots.

I'm kidding!

Have a nice day.

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
NoNamesLeftToUse Outro.png
"Someone here once told me they didn't like me, at all. That was bold. I appreciated his honesty. He muted me. A week later he was desperate, published a post, needed money for rent. I slipped him a twenty. Why not! Even haters need help sometimes."

© 2018 @NoNamesLeftToUse.  All rights reserved.


This story has clickbait header, high suspense, epic culmination and dramatic unpredictable ending.


Damn it, I'm so disappointed. I thought I finally made it onto your list... I'lll try harder !

Keep trying! I believe in you! You can do it! Turn that frown upside down!

Plagiarist and puppet accounts trying farm communities and others generosity. I hate them. Waste so much of my fucking time.


I think the best part of your comment was how you called up 'popcorn' and got Captain Obvious. I'll give you top comment here because that's hilarious and far better than what the self voter had to say.

I too wouldn' say I hate people here. Though I do hate what some people write here and the language they use. I've got no problems with getting emotional (hey, we're human beings and not computers) or using four letter words. It's how they write about other people, be it other users or politicians or whoever.

Maybe I'm too old fashioned but I think we can write about people we detest without using demeaning or aggressive language. If we want others to respect us and our opinion I should use this respect in our arguments. I try to not get involved in politics here on Steemit but that's when I start writing comments. I haven't been flagged for that (yet) but there was some not so nice reaction. Which I ignored, of course ;)

Sometimes it's best to walk away from a fight.

The big media corporations are harsh with their words as well. They disguise their hatred though. Some will use humor and a sign above their heads that commands people to laugh and applaud. Bullies with a smile, and not many can see through it.

You're one of the most creative author I know of. I still remember that "fuck post" and how much I enjoyed it.

That one really got the place jumping. People remember it, this I know, and I'll never forget how at the time I was a virtual nobody and suddenly all of these prominent members of the community are there laughing with me. Got to feel like one of the cool kids for a day. LOL!

yeah I absolutely loved this post and especially the part where someone was like "hate you" then needed help in rent , karma is a funny and fickle thing

Did you really think I'd do it?

Yes... no... maybe! I'm not gonna lie, I'm never too sure what you're going to do. Its great. It's what keeps me coming back for more! Expect the unexpected. 👍

"Friends blah, blah... Enemies closer!" Springs to mind.

Always expect the unexpected here. One needs to be careful with a post like this. Had I actually flipped my wig and turned into an asshole who'd do something like that, I'd have lost a lot of support because not everyone agrees and wouldn't want their vote promoting the bashing of someone else. Making enemies is not how you make friends here.

these things don't matter unless you're a drunk pedant with OCD; and if that's the case, well, whatever, too bad, welcome to your free therapeutic session.

Wait a second... how did you know?

ANd I was shocked when I saw your title. The first thought in my head was There's no way... he doesn't do that #@*&.

Glad to be proven correct.

And I'm actually rather amused, because I was thinking something along these lines today. I don't like getting into conflict... well, real conflict. I love intellectual conflict. It's just when it gets personal... I'll duck out.

If someone asks me to do something and I'm not interested, I'll say "No." If they then protest, and bother me, and tell me that I'm not doing anything anyway... I'll just muter something or shrug, and the next time he asks me to do something I'm not interested in doing I'll give no guarantees, and just won't show up.

Whatever. Now I know I'm egotistical, I just took a post on your blog, and turned the comment into an observation about myself. Oops.

How can one improve themselves if they are not first aware of themselves?

The name seemed a little strange to me and it was already frightening me, could I be here? heheheh
I do not think somebody will post something like that, heheehhe, you know how to catch your reader and you will give him what you say drama, I love it!

But yes, people may not agree with someone, but come to hate him? no, those are big words, then we hate even the hehehhe relatives
Maybe I am one of the people who do not like to be in bad terms and bad relationships with other people. When I started in Steemit I used to write in Spanish and I stopped doing it because a person treated me very badly here in Steemit insulted me until, also to those of my country!

I did not like anything that was happening! I reached a level that I had to answer something, but the same one continued and followed, so I left it still! now I think about it and I think it was good that it happened thanks to that I started to publish in English and I embarked on a new direction to know things Steemit that I did not know yet, I have met incredible people who have supported me during all this time.

It was a bad time, but it was the beginning of the exciting and experiencing life here.

I think that as you said, everything depends on how the person expresses himself, because he is usually cordial or very offensive, also in cases like the words that they usually use in the countries, maybe I will tell you
"to the cock = to the cock!"
and in other countries they will see it as bad or ugly or that I am rude, but it is a very used word in my country, which means nothing to what is the translation in English and it is just like saying! or maybe I do not care about something that does not interest you.
the case is as you say, you just have to overcome things and not give up!
You have kidnapped me with your writing.

Where I'm from, and most of the places I've lived in Canada, foul language isn't really foul. The words are commonly used. Some people think the words can only express anger but I can say them calmly. Having so many different cultures together under one roof can be confusing and some forget their world at home isn't the only world.

Yes, that's what I mean! It's kind of crazy every way to express yourself in each country and when there are several people together it's weird
are you Canadian then?
I am from Venezuela and it is a bit difficult for me to express myself with people, because of the language, many times it is not said the same because of the difference in language and it is complicated.

lol, I actually would have been shocked if that title had panned out, a very not like you thing to do!

People should come with warning labels- AMEN to that!

I've always thought it would be easier if we removed the annoying censor bleeping sound from the media and handed out shirts to people instead that say: "I prefer high pitched squeals."

@nonameslefttouse I was actually looking forward to a list and I would have been shocked if I had found one. That said, you made a lot of sense. There is no need hating anyone on steemit regardless of the issues we have here. It is an acosystem and so we expect to find different kinds of organsims, ability to adapt makes us superior. Thanks for sharing

Everyone plays an important role, that's true. Some folks can be annoying but even that's not enough to hate them. Others could use a thicker skin because hating someone says more about yourself than it does the one you hate.

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