Bali Earthquake?!
I think my alarm clock should start taking tips from nature. Maybe if it would physically shake me awake, perhaps then I couldn't get away with hitting the snooze button.
I've been up since 6:50 AM though.
Mainly because mother nature was all "seriously, you need to wake up now, you lazy bum." Thanks, mother. I just wanted 5 more minutes.
Jokes aside, the epicenter was the island next to Bali, where I am now. Blue dot is where I am, and the red dot is where the strongest part was.

When everything was shaking, all these thoughts started racing through my head.
Like about back in 2010 when there was the big earthquake in Haiti. My grandma was there on a mission trip, and she said the house to the left of her totally collapsed, and so did the house to the right, but her house was totally unshaken.
Then I thought about how the earthquake's theme song should be...
"Shaky" by Daddy Yankee.
And then I thought about hiding under the bed, but I don't know if that's proper earthquake etiquette or not.
And then it was over.
Even though the epicenter was on the next island, it was strong over here, too!
Here's a picture that someone posted from the town next to the one I'm staying in:

Everyone I know here was safe, but I am really sad because 10 people died.
My heart goes out to all of those families who lost someone.
It's my second reminder within just a couple of days that life can be more fragile than it seems. It's the second reminder because I came VERY close to being run over by a motorbike a couple of days ago. Maybe I'll tell that story tomorrow.
It's really easy to not think about things like dying. Especially when you're young. But it's all been a reminder about this cool story I read or heard somewhere once.
A teacher assigned his/her students to write their own obituary for class. It seemed like kind of a morbid assignment...
...I'm sure some kids were like "what the heck?"
But the assignment wasn't just some sick joke.
The point was to get the students to think about living their lives with a purpose and helping them find direction.
Imagine this...
You're falsely reported dead by mistake (because somebody isn't that great at their job) and you don't know about it.
Then you see your obituary online somehow, and it's NOT what you thought it would be at all. You don't see any of the accomplishments on there that you were going to achieve. And you didn't help the people you said you were going to help.
You just died the queen or king of selfies and duck faces or something (major exaggeration). But, luckily for you, you're still alive. It was all just a mistake. You can change it.
So... if you could write your own obituary, what would it look like?
It's kind of a wake-up call, right? Are you happy with the legacy you're leaving behind? Are you happy with the direction your life is headed?
It's easy to start drifting sometimes and because you feel like you have all the time in the world. But you don't. I was reminded of that twice in just a couple of days.
It's good to have the reminder once in a while.
Woah! Be safe. What a way to start the day. Who needs an alarm clock!
You don't when nature is calling!
Holy shit that was really close to the epicenter. I know what you are talking about because I have been in 250 km radius of a 6.8 magnitude earthquake and its enough to make you see the 'light'
Really sorry for those who lost loved ones and for those who suffered. Hopefully this all be something that we all can learn from, and take actions to improve our lives for the better.
oh man, crazy. Where was the earthquake at?
I was in New Delhi and the epicenter was Chamoli in India. It was a long time ago and I was just a kid and yet I remember it completely....
oh wow. I'm going to google chamoli now to see where it is
that's scary! I want to go on vacation to bali...
Well I will learn the easy way from you're 2 reminders life is precious and can end at any time. I'm glad you are alive!
I live in San Francisco where there is a big possibility for an earth quake.
Back in 2014 or 15 there was a fairly decent size quake in the middle of the night. My girlfriend at the time was sleeping in my bed and I had two friends sleeping in the living and then my whole building started to shake. We all woke up and my 2 friends where freaking out and wanted to go outside and my girlfriend who was from Taiwan just said "It's okay guys this happens in my country all the time" and then rolled back over and went to sleep lol. So we all went back to sleep and it was all good. But it is a scary reminder that life is precious so live it today : )
hahaha that made me laugh out loud for some reason when you said "and then rolled over and went back to sleep" lol.
Glad to hear you're okay. We heard about it on the news yesterday, right after @suitcasemama posted on Lombok! Crazy timing! I've been in lots of earthquakes and my work has taken me to tons of earthquake affected zones. Including Indonesia and Haiti, scary stuff. Maybe I ran into your grandma? 😁
Yeah, I went to her page yesterday and saw her Lombok post and thought the same thing, "crazy timing!"
Maybe you DID run into my grandma, who knows. She used to go to Haiti several times a year.
Your work sounds exciting!
Exhausting is more like it!
You comin' to Bangkok soon, or do we have to do more yummy food posts to entice you?
Oh, and tell G'ma I was in Haiti, based in Jacmel, for about four months in early 2011 :)
Actually, guess what I wasn't planning on telling you yet? But I'll tell you now. I'm about to be interviewed for a job in BKK. Based in BKK for 6 months and then remote after that.
I wasn't really planning on GETTING a job... but I kinda proposed something to them and they bit enough to interview me... so we'll see how it goes.
Interview starts in 10 minutes! So wish me luck!
And I'll tell Gma!
WHAT!?!?!? Whaaaaaaa? What's it for? Are you going to be our nanny!?!??! Haha!
I hope it went well! Either way, let us know! If great, YAY! If it went less-than-YAY, come out and stay with us anyway. We'll commiserate over chocolate milk with our toddler...
And shoot, let us know what you're looking for, we can keep our eyes peeled here for you!
I just finished... I think it went well! It was for a marketing position for a blockchain based company.
I think it went YAY, but I could be wrong. I'll know next week!
If it went less yay, I'd LOVE to be your nanny! I used to be a nanny and it was so much fun!! I loved it, even though my dad said I wasn't properly using my college degree haha.
I also love chocolate milk, so this is a total win situation all around!
How exciting! Can't wait to hear the outcome next week! What company is it? Where is the office!??!!? Will you still be available, Ms. Fancy Pants Blockchain Marketer, for babysitting (arguably) the world's cutest toddler?
Am I getting ahead of myself at all here? :)
Thanks for this @nomadicsoul :) one can never be reminded too often of how little time we have and to make every day count
Thanks for spreading doom and gloom? You're welcome. lol jk. It's true tho
Thats what they call me! “There goes ol “doom and gloom goldmatters again!” :)
Ouch! I only sensed an earthquake once, and it was so tiny it was more of a bump :) Enjoy life! And you're in the right place to do it... loved Indonesia! If you do scuba-diving, don't leave without diving there, best dives of my life!
Oooo where were your fave dive spots?!
I did 2 dive in Gili Air, and saw my first shark there, a huge black-tip! Coral is a bit damaged there, but they are doing great efforts to accelerate coral formation. Nevertheless, still a very good dive, and pretty decent amount of corals and life! But the top ones were in Nusa Penida... the amount of life and coral there is just amazing. I did a 45-50 minute drift dive there and at most, I saw a 10m stripe of dead coral... everywhere else was just full of life! Couldn't go to Manta Point when I was there because of limited time and weather conditions unfortunately... a good excuse to go back ;)
I'm glad to know that there is still some life out there! I did a project in college about all of the coral that was dying and it just made me really incredibly sad. Thanks for telling me the best spots to hit up!
My pleasure! If you do hit them up and need advice on the scuba schools let me know, I'll just have to look up my dive log!
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yesterday the wave on my city south beach are very big, maybe because of this earthquake.
be safe