Busy / being here :: An update

in #life6 years ago

Hello dear Steamians!

Lately I have been less busy here, although I've continued reading your lovely stories and developments. But I've mostly focused on some other projects, while trying to keep up with writing short stories to share online as well. But I've been less able to keep up with @mctiller's amazing #twentyfourhourshortstory contest, which is also okay because lately his themes were very much focused on Halloween, and as a non-American I simply feel less interested in that theme.

Here a picture of me from last week, enjoying the last bits of late summer, at the beach in the Netherlands:

While being less active on Steem, I've focused on several other projects.

  • I'm finishing editing my English manuscript on 'Why Philosophers are Mad', I hope to have it published by the end of the year. This is the English translation of the book that came out in Dutch earlier this year. Very excited to finally have my international friends and contacts read it. Will be interesting to hear what they have to say about it.
  • Another big project I've been working on is longer short fiction. I've now written quite some short fiction, short in the sense of ranging between 500 and 1500 words mostly. A list of all freely available short stories can be found on my blog: http://www.nobyeni.com/about/fiction-short-stories-by-nobyeni/ But now I'm trying to expand my horizon a bit more, so I've been working on some longer fiction, around 3000-5000 words. A whole different ballgame! But a good exercise, and I have sent some of them out to some literary magazines, let's see what happens. A good stepping stone to hopefully one day a longer work of fiction.
  • I've started posting things on Medium, experimenting with that platform to see what kind of people hang out there and how that community works. So far it's been very positive, reading a lot of interesting content that suits my interests more than on Steemit, so far, maybe also because I'm still, after almost a year hanging out here, still not very interested in blockchain technology and the whole whale-things.

I've also been busy writing some academic papers for work, and looking for new kinds of work as I've now completely settled in the Netherlands and am trying to not go abroad for longer times for work.

And, I've also become a board member of the Nordic Summer University, a voluntary position, which is taking up a lot of time already, but it's been a very interesting couple of months in which I've already learned a lot of new things, about life, the world, but mostly about myself.

Hope you're all well, this is my update for now.
Looking forward to being more active here, now the travelling to China and back has finished and my normal working-from-home routine has started again.
~ Nobyeni

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