Let Self-Love Attract Your Soulmate

in #life5 years ago

When you learn to practice self-love, it radiates from within. And through it, you become more capable of being in love and be loved. Indeed, self-love attracts your soulmate.

Stop wondering what's wrong with you, start appreciating YOU! Hey, self-love is not selfish. It is not vanity; it is sanity! So just stop finding faults in you, you are perfect just the way you are. So what, if you have scars? So what, if you have stretch marks? or acne? or uneven skin tone? or not a model-like body figure? So what, if you don't look like her? Come on, you are you and that's more than enough for you to be proud of. Flaunt the attributes that you have. You'll never know how many people appreciate you.

It is a wonderful feeling of being in love and be loved. That is absolutely true. And while you scroll down on your news feed, you saw your batch mates getting married or being pregnant or celebrating their wins. Suddenly, you felt this twinge in your heart - envy!

Let me tell you this straight sweetie, those people you see are those people who practiced to focus on counting their blessings. They aren't perfect. They celebrate wins publicly and learn from their losses privately. Instead of being jealous, be happy because if you only try to look around you, you will then see how blessed you truly are.

When you start loving yourself, everything just falls into its place - especially love! Law of attraction, you attract what you are and what you think. It is true when you truly desire of something the universe will conspire to grant your wish. And you cannot just demand for love when you yourself are not yet in the state of being lovable. That's the common mistake of so many. They focus on finding the right one that they forgot that they themselves should also be right for that person.

Everyone of us is destined to be with someone we call soulmate unless you are called to celibacy. So given that you are not to become a priest/nun, you will soon meet your partner. And that being said, you are not just the one who's praying for love because certainly your soulmate is also praying for you. But take note, the universe will not allow you two to meet if one or both of you are not yet ready. Instead of hoping for your partner's soon arrival, take this time to love yourself...even more.

This has been @nikkabomb saying, "When wishing for the right person, be right for that person first."

The photos included in this blog are my shots this afternoon. Those are not software processed photos, just in-camera effects. If you happen to have Facebook accounts, please do hit Like/Follow our (mine and my partner's) page, Click PIT. Thank you so much.

Nikka Ganzan, the author

I was destined to be a successful civil engineer but my heart belongs to literature. And if I have learnt something from the past years of struggles, it is maybe this - "Sometimes a leap of faith is what you need in order to find happiness. Because if you are not to become a happy person, then what's the purpose of life then?".

I tried working in an industry with the use of my maximum skills in my chosen field and I was earning big (bigger than what I expected), yet I was not happy. In between those times, I found deeper and stronger interest in my first and second love - writing and photography.

And so here I am, in my little corner in the blockchain. I hope you had a good read and check out more here ---> @nikkabomb. Lovelots.

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