The children who go to the school are paying the debts of their parents.
I would like to share with you my feelings I got about what is going on with our education system.
But first I wanted to mention that after not visiting Steemit for 13 days, I just opened it and see I got 55 followers!
I want to thank you so much for visiting my blog and having some reason to follow me.
I will look up all of you and read some of your stories.
I am not a real digital hero and have to find my way here on Steemit. I really need to focus a lot to find out how it all works, how to place pictures or change the text is all too much for me.
I am more "the pen in the hand" type of girl...or woman. I love to write and I enjoy the responses.
I like to interact with people and have a good discussions and changing of opinions at a higher level. Smart conversations and learning from each other will make the world wiser. Because we all have our experiences and if we are open to learn from them we find out how much we really know. The life is the real education, it teaches us to be creative, to know our emotions, to be good and loving in order to be able to receive real abundance.
At the school we only learn to listen, to acknowledge authorities outside of ourselves.
That's the real reason why we get so divided later, why we aren't open to different opinions...we just simply had been trained to it. And to hate if someone thinks something else.
By now many people try to free themselves from these chains, from schools, or working the jobs they don't like. And when this starts to happen we become more happy and we are able to give others the space to be themselves too.
I see it daily with my daughter. I took her off from the school. We've moved to another country when she was 14 and she never went to school again. Now 3 years later she is much more secure, she likes and even loves herself, she WANTS to think for herself when she is trying to solve something. Before she was always looking to give the answer which the person was seeking. Even if she knew the right one, she wanted to make sure to say whatever someone wanted to hear. She wasn't strong enough to be herself.
Today she sometimes tells me some things I didn't even know about her school times. Each time she does that I am very grateful I took that step to no schooling.
She was afraid of the opinions of everyone else. She thought she was ugly. She was so tired. Every day she was thinking one day this will end.....

I think the school time is very difficult for most of the children in our modern society. The teachers have to teach many lies, not knowing more than they are allowed. If children have more uncomfortable questions they get punished. If they do things their way, they get punished. If they are tired or if someone bullies them, they get punished.
Our school system is made to punish everything different than what is approved by the regulations and standards.
So we learn to be good, to take everything and keep quiet, we learn to not trust anybody, to be the first and best or we just give up.....we learn many painful things and because of that we become very good in judging. In judging everything which is different than the approved standard.
It is like with a wild animal; catching it, putting it in the cage, beat it until it stops to fight for it's freedom, teach it some stupid tricks and when it is all done we make money with the shows.
This is what happens with the beautiful free, wild, happy children...we put them in the cages from very young age. To be able and "free" to go to work. We gladly give total strangers the power to teach them anything they want. We even give them the power to change the way we see our own child.
If it misbehaves at school, we have to be ashamed, we get angry at the child, we punish it and we take away our love.
We leave the child in the pain, teaching it it only gets to be loved if it behaves as it is approved by regulations and standard.
So the child doesn't want to be his or her self anymore. It wants to be good. Approved. Stops to fight for the freedom and becomes the approved version of itself. Grows up, forgetting everything it was born with.
After years of beats up in the cage it now can get freely out of the cage. To go to work. Making money. For others.....and in a few years buying a new cage, with a debt, getting wife or husband, dog, children...putting them into the cage...just as it is approved by the regulations and standards. Living free...paying taxes, leaving their homes every day for jobs and bosses they hate, not even knowing their own family, not seeing their children slowly disappearing...marriage problems, affaires, debts, violence, drugs, all comes from the depths of our souls which had been oppressed for so long. Their voices shutted down, under the tons of oh so important status, masks we had to wear, anger and all comes out one day. But it comes in some kind of twisted way. Always. Some souls are perhaps stronger than other. Their voice can be heard if the person is able to travel from his/hers head to his/her heart. If we start to listen we can find our way back to who we were meant to be at first place. Many will never reach that and die...from drugs, prescription drugs even, car accident or some illness with a deadly treatment like cancer.
But those who can hear the voice of their soul, those who break the chains of the mind slavery and cut off the cords binding them to darkness...those will break the cage and be free once again. Forever.
And I start to think this system might be designed exactly for that reason. I think when we drown and drop to the bottom, into the mud and darkness of the waters and we are able to push ourselves up again, we swim up using all our force to get above the water, to breath and feel the sun again, we become more powerful than ever before. The fear of the death is the deepest fear of all living beings, If we survive we will lose that fear. There is so much serenity in that one moment, there is acceptance of all there is.
And of course while we are drowning there might be people around us, drowning too. |And they tell us it is ok, this is perfectly normal. We can't be there in the see, we are born to just...drown.

But I don't buy that. I love the sun too much to just let go. And my soul loves it too. So I always look for the sun, wherever I am. Looking for the light. Accepting the choice of others to drown. But I don't accept them to pull down the children.
I do not accept the education systems, I do not accept the paedophilia all around the world, I do not accept killings and wars and hunger if that gets to children. And I am sure we all need to get out of the cages and fight back for our freedom.
We all need take our children out of these cages, take the power about ours and their lives back.
We care for them the most. We want them to be happy and healthy. No one else will ever care more for your child than you do. So we need to start acting like that. We need to show it to our children so they feel strong and never let anyone else to put them in the cages again. Only then this world will see the sun again and will become what it was meant to be at first.
The paradise.
Thank you so much for reading and if you have enjoyed maybe you would also like to read my other post about how I became vegan. Many blessings !
I homeschool too and I love it. I love having the freedom to teach or not to teach. If my kids dont want to learn something we move on. I am not forced to cram something down their throats that dont interest them. I take everyday in stride on the good days we learn alot on the bad ones we learn in other ways. I love the fact I am not sending them off to strangers I get to teach them what I feel is important. Happy teaching I am going to follow you hope you will read my posts too.