in #life7 years ago

Eureka!!!, you exclaim in your head as you think you have figured a way out, or have gotten a brilliant idea or you feel you have found a way to solve a problem. Maybe it might not even be an Eureka moment for you, it might just be a plan(or a dream) you have to do or a choice you have made or something you have purposed in your heart to do, but then the reality of your situation begins to dawn on you, "The complications involved", "Your financial status", you start to think twice about your plan or your idea, having doubts about its achievability, and then days pass, weeks pass, years pass and nothing has been than about the plan(or the dream). Even if something is done, it's built on a foundation of doubt and fear and you might not be doing it with all your might.

Maybe you think the circumstances around you are holding you back from doing what it is you have to do, but still, for any plan or dream to come to fruition, you first of all have to take care of THE ENEMIES WITHIN YOU



An enemy, according to google , is a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something, or a thing that harms or weakens something else.


And so these "Things" inside of us, holding us back from our dreams, delaying our plans and even making us abort important tasks in our lives are the enemies inside of us.

1.The first enemy I'll talk about is FEAR


A fear according to the collins online dictionary, is a thought that something unpleasant might happen or might have happened.

A lot of us have found ourselves uable to take certain decisions, or do something we want to do dearly or follow our passions because we are afraid that people might not like it or that we might fail(The fear of failure). Just so you know,

  • Fear kills hope
  • Fear can paralyze you
  • Fear can kill dreams
  • Fear can age you.(One of Les Brown's favorite sayings about fear)

Among all the fears and phobias (an extreme fear of something) that people say they have, only two of them are actually from birth, That is "the fear of falling" and " the fear of loud sounds". Apart from that, every other fear that people have is learnt, including the fear of failure. It's all a state of mind that if you condition your mind against, would no longer be an enemy.
I'll leave you with this

Source What will be your choice

2.Another enemy lurking inside of us is INDIFFERENCE


Indifference according to the collins online dictionary, is the complete lack of interest or concern in something.

It's like a feeling of non-feeling, where you don't feel like doing anything or taking any action and just going with anything. Basically, when you're indifferent you don't care about anything. This behaviour is harmful to someone with a dream, someone with a burning desire to achieve something, because if you do not care about what you do, then the consequences of your own actions would come back to haunt you.

Let's say you are a medical student wanting to be the best surgeon ever, but then you go for practise lessons only when you feel like it, and do not care to take cheat notes to exam hall just so you can get good grades. Now, your lackadaisical attitude towards practise lessons would limit how good you can be, and your malpractice in exams can just get you out of school all together. What happens to that big dream then?.


3.Another enemy inside of us is INDECISION


According to the Collins online dictionary, Indecision is the inability or the difficulty in making decisions .

We occasionally find ourselves at a stand still in life,a point where we are unable to make a choice as to how to move forward and we are left struggling with what to do. For someone with a dream or an aspiration this can be a really big delay factor since all progress ceases as the next course of action is being debated on.

Indecision is simply delaying decisions. Why delay a decision when the delayed decision might just be a bad decision.


4.We'll move on to DOUBT as the fourth enemy inside us


The collins online dictionary defines doubt as a feeling of uncertainty about something or not believing the genuineness of something.

We can be really skeptical about things in our life, about the things related to our plans, dreams and aspirations. Skepticism is not totally bad, because then you would not have to jump into any opportunity that comes your way without scrutinizing it first. However it becomes dangerous when you begin to doubt everything, the past, future, those around you, every opportunity and those who want to genuinely help.

Let us take steemit for example, I once had my doubts in the platform because at that time there were so many organisations I felt were similar coming around and it was quite irritating. However I let my doubts go and now here I am. There are many people out there who still have doubts in the platform and watching as a great opportunity of a lifetime grazes past them.


5.WORRY is another enemy that resides inside of us.


Worrying is something that most of us do a lot and can be quite useful sometimes. Parents worry when their kids are not back from school intime, investors worry when an investment is going sideways, students worry when exams are near even though they haven't covered all lecture topics. However, letting worry get the best of you to the point of overthinking, is bad for you and your health.

There are circumstances beyond our control and those within our control, situations that we can't do anything about and those that we can do something about, and so it becomes useless to over worry. Over worrying is almost always coupled with overthinking, which is an addiction(that is overthinking)

6.The last enemy inside us I'll talk about is OVER CAUTION.


The Collins online dictionary defines over caution as excessive caution.

At times in our lives it is required of us to make the tough choice but then people decide to chicken out using the excuse of being careful. When it is required of us to stand up for ourselves when we are being cheated or taken advantage of in our lives or workplace or even in a business deal, we choose to be rather very cautious in how we handle the matter in other not to offend the other party.


If there is something you have to do or want to do, exercising over caution is going to hold us back and delay us.

As Les Brown always say, "Always shoot for the moon, if you miss you'll land among the stars".

If only we could look deep down into ourselves and make sure that these inner enemies are silenced, then nothing is going to stand in our way. There's an African proverb that goes like "If there is no enemy within, the enemies outside can do us no harm", and so in the end you're your own enemy.




Man, this post is so rich with knowledge. I used to struggle with most of these enemies, infact, I've still got a few of them to deal with, now I know how to deal with them.
Thanks @nigtroy

I myself have struggled with most of these enemies until I learnt about them and decided to work on them. It's nice that it was helpful to you.

Great work man...these fears in us really impacts our decision making and thinking in negative ways, not only that but also leaves us susceptible to impulsive reactions and intense emotions..Take full responsibility of yourself and you will achieve greater heights in life

You've said it all

Great post. Very informative. These enemies are greater than most give credit and not so easy to overcome. Dealing with these enemies doesn't mean they will not eventually rise up occasionally to fight you in an attempt to subdue you. The next mountain to deal with after fighting these demons is the source of their fuel...

The source of their fuel?, yes, then job would be done then

Wow. that's just what I really needed to hear right now. I really need to fight the enemy inside me right now that's hindering me from making a life.

Yeah, it's been a real eye opener even for me

Thank you for the reminder :)

You're most welcome

Eureka!!! I got an idea.... ooops then the enemies oppose it huh.. a very great post. .i think i should read this over and over again..

You got the idea

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