Are there moments when life is meaningless?
Every single thing you do in life is meaningless. Because as an average individual you can never make a difference. In 1000 years people won't even remember you have ever existed. Unless you maybe did an important invention or you was an influential person in your time.
In essence the meaning of life is survival, the only thing we are trying to do is survive (and thrive). But in the western world the meaning of life is what meaning you want to give to your own life. Because poor people are trying to survive, if you have money you can do pretty much whatever the fuck you want. So you fill in your days how you want (to a certain extend).
For me the only meaning of my life is making shitloads of crypto. In a way that i only feel meaningful when i had a financially profitable day. But in the end it are only numbers on a brokerage account. It's pretty worthless because i'm not even spending any but keep stacking it up because that feels like the right thing. Money is like a drug for me, dopamine levels in my brain go through the roof. I don't even care about materialism it just makes me feel good.
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The only people that ever done something back for me are my parents and grand parents. Other than that even my best friends always tried to take advantage of me because i was richer than them. You should know how much money i lost by stupid scams when i was younger you wouldn't even believe me. I learned the hard way that nobody can be trusted, especially not with money. But i'm more paranoid now, if anyone tries to rob me i would not hesitate to attack them. I'm prepared for almost anything.
To give meaning to life, someone should make somebody else's life meaningful by sharing, helping, serving or just simply laughing together. In this way joy and a sense of meaningful life will experience.. :)