Meet Lou Rossi, our Protagonist in 'Dry County'. [Comic Review]**No Spoilers**

in #life6 years ago


Treat yourself to a slice of life. Lou Rossi is sick of the hassle of trying to meet women and will do almost anything to avoid having to endure the hassle again. If you're a bit of a misfit, you'll be captivated by this one.

When you read comics, but can't share them with the kids...

I've recently been reading a lot of darker themed comics and I'm saddened that I can't really share the art and stories with the kids at school. While the art in this book is right up the alley of one of my students, who would be totally inspired by Rich Tommaso's art, depressingly, the themes are just a bit too mature to share with nine and ten year olds. I'm almost tempted to blank out the speech bubbles and give him the artwork.

When I came across Image's solicitations for the upcoming months back in March, I was instantly drawn in by the cover of Dry County.

It's bright and beautiful. It feels light and you're instantly sucked into the panels. For me, the story is entirely relatable. I'm bloody awkward and it's just good fortune that I met Hayley. But this was an unusual purchase for me because I've been reading The Walking Dead, 30 Days of Night, Infidel, Kill or Be Killed and I'm even considering A Walk Through Hell. Zombies, Vampires, Demons, MORE DEMONS and some, as of yet, unknown scary shit from hell, I'm assuming.

Lou is ordinary. Each panel is fucking gorgeous.

I don't care if you're an art major, an artist or a comic book aficionado. Every piece of work is subjective. We are influenced by how other people view art which may not be how we see it if we had no idea about it's popularity. For example, the first time I realised The Walking Dead was a comic, I was like,

"Black and white? This is lazy AF."

When you want to be a part of a phenomenon or are just curious to know what is next, you end up appreciating the originality of the pictures. Whether there is colour or not.

Rich Tommaso's art is both ultra-realistic and pop art all at the same time.


I've heard Tommaso's work compared with Herge's Tintin. This is an enormous compliment. While I think of it, if you're ever in Singapore, visit the Tintin store. It is mind blowing. They don't like you taking photos, though!

When you glance at the panel, there's everything you need to see, and clearly in far greater detail and vibrancy than a Walking Dead panel. It doesn't look like a photograph. Nor does it need to. Just look at the slick of water on the kitchen floor. The technique used makes it look so reflective. I'm loving Rich's choices. He's got Lou's tie flicked up over his shoulder and something so simple as the shadow on the upper cupboards shows Rich's dedication to what I'm calling 'pop-realism'. Just go with it.

"So, the art's great but what's happening in the story?"

Lou is a young bloke living in Miami. He writes a comic strip for the Miami Herald (and no one gives a shit) but more to the point, he is single, lonely and enjoys plopping on the couch and having a couple of brews. When you meet his mate, you'll laugh. We all have friends like this guy. He's well meaning, but he's a bogan. Ha.

Lou ends up actually meeting a dame very soon into the first issue. You'll enjoy how hard he tries and appreciate his emotions as events transpire. Lou is caring, but he's a little impatient.


When I took the car out to charge, I brought along issue two. I want to lick the cover and I bet it tastes of tart raspberry.

I've currently only got issues one and two in my collection. The month between books has given me time to return to the story and art over multiple cups of matcha tea at the kitchen table. I'm loving every read. I can't help but gawk open-mouthed at the almost careless but just perfectly deliberate choices in the artwork.

If you like what you've seen, sink your teeth into this series.

This isn't a love story. It's a crime book. So, what happens? I've sprinkled some pop rocks on your tongue. Now it's time to pour the rest of the bag on yourself. This book ends after issue five. That fact is a crime. If you miss out on back issues, check out the trade paperback when it's inevitably released. Or take a peek at Rich's other work. I have, and he doesn't disappoint.

You've got that review of Dry County. Now do your bit and reward my effort and literary mastery with an upvote.

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All the best,


All content is original.

This post was not self-upvoted nor have I been paid to promote any products or services.


Have you read Rich's work, @Bryan-Imhoff ? I'd love to know how you feel about his art and writing seeing he is one of those creators getting involved in the whole shebang. Just last year, after poor sales of Spyseal, he was very vocal about his emotions on social media. I could understand his frustration.

I have not! Thanks for tagging me in, your enticing review had slipped through the cracks of my feed somehow. This is something to add to my “to read” list.

Aren't to read lists just ever growing? It's painfully hard to keep up.

I found Rich's work online at Kings comics.. saw the cover and jumped at it. I've been looking for alternatives to DC and Marvel.

If you like the style, you'll enjoy it.

Cheers mate.


Isn’t that the truth. I just started trying to reinstill a more voracious reading habit again. I’m pretty successfully devoting at least an hour a day to read, but I could triple that and barely make a dent in everything I want to consume!

It's worth saying here that I appreciate the regular upvoters that come back day in, day out to see what I've written.

Thanks, guys.


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