Motivation to Keep Writing!

in #life7 years ago (edited)

Good morning, fellow Steemians! I hope this post finds you well! I have decided to start doing an occasional morning motivational post for those of us who need that extra push each day.

I know I love reading motivational quotes because they've helped me during some of my most trying times, such as my time as an undergraduate student working towards a Bachelor's degree in psychology for the last several months.

Earlier this week, I wrote about the importance of persistence, listened to a video with @exyle and @terrybrock that @robertandrew had shared about getting through "the grind." This brought to mind again, how important it is to remain consistent in achieving goals.


I don't want to become one of those who begins posting a ton and then becomes discouraged, so I thought on ways I could overcome that potential challenge. I considered what would make writing more enjoyable of an experience for me, and came to the conclusion that writing what I have a passion for would be in my best interest. I mentioned this in one of my previous posts and I still stand firm behind that belief.

The more you become accustomed to writing, you'll no longer see the activity as a chore.

Knowing that you are writing for yourself and for those who enjoy reading your posts should be one of your main focal points.

You are not writing for critique as you would be in a class room setting but rather you are writing because you enjoy sharing your ideas, you enjoy learning from others, you have something you think is worthwhile to provide to others, and you gain from engaging through a platform that is beneficial to you where you receive an incentive such as the reward system we have here on Steemit.

Even if you gain no votes,

keep writing,

get past that threshold.


I like to create goals for myself, as they keep me motivated towards becoming better at whatever I'm doing.

My goals right now are to write something each day and post it on Steemit.

I would like to go back to my original goal of writing at least 2,500 words per day.

Steemit gives me a platform on which I can do precisely just that!

A long term goal is to write 5,000 posts by the end of 2018, this includes posts and comments.

From what I've gathered the more quality content you generate on the platform, the more likelihood that you will gain rewards and a strong following, as well as what I consider of dire importance - a high reputation score!

If you're a regular follower of my posts, then you know how I desperately want to see my reputation rise to the 70s. The only way I see of achieving this is to remain consistent, stick to my goals and keep a positive outlook even when the rewards aren't forthcoming.

When you think of how much hard work it truly takes to become well known on the Steemit platform, there's truly no need to become discouraged, just roll up your sleeves and start writing! It's truly that simple.

I definitely gain the positive feedback that some find necessary to continue writing. I enjoy coming up with new ideas and figuring out how to word them in a way that makes sense to others, sharing knowledge that I've acquired from reading and listening to lectures.

Personally, writing is a way for me to relax and I find other people resonate well with what I have to provide. This gives me an additional incentive to keep writing as I see the ripple effect playing out in my life through interacting with others.

One good turn deserves another, as they say.

Look at your writing as building a skill, if nothing else. You're practicing, perfecting and fine-tuning your craft.

Each day that you put in the effort towards your pursuits is a day well spent. You've done something you can say you're proud of, kept your word to yourself, and possibly helped someone else along the way. That's how I put this all into perspective. I know I will not reach the mark I've set for myself if I do not put in the necessary time and energy.

Whatever topic you write about, let it be one that you enjoy and one that you find yourself coming back to time and time again. Not everyone is going to be as well versed on cryptocurrencies and that's okay! You want to write about what you know, not try to "outdo" others on a topic you know little to nothing about. Learn from others experiences, if that's your following and you feel that you would like to become better acquainted with the subject. If not, then there's a million, bazillion other things to write about, pick one that you enjoy and learn all you can, then write to your heart's delight!

Image source: Pinterest.


Thanks for this post. I've been slacking on Steemit the past couple months. To be honest, been getting behind on my social media game in general lately, but I have been really busy organizing for Flambeau Noir, the occult conference I'm hosting at the end of April, plus a lot of family stuff around this time of year for me (solstice, new years, birthdays, etc..)

This little nudge definitely helped. :) I like that you have a measurable goal with a timeline. I've just been winging it, posting when I get a chance to post. I could take a cue from you and set some personal goals to maintain some consistency. I would like to, at minimum, have one post per week on here, so that I always have at least one post actively accumulating rewards that people can upvote.

hey so nice I really like your post! Lets make steemit together to a better place with our content! I would like to read a bit more about you? Look my Introduceyourself like I do it. I went to jail because of cryptos :

Hi, there! Thanks for taking the time to read my post. I'm sorry you had a run in with the authorities behind cryptocurrencies. I hope things were resolved.

I am thinking of redoing my introduction post as I didn't know the first thing about formatting back then. I'd be more than happy to get to know you here on Steemit! Keep in touch!

wow..... you are so nice writing . it's ture life is every time wake up. but some time stop...... hopless them life. i read your stroy i like it. and go on...... best of luck.........

I thank you for your comment!

it's my pleasur

Thanks for this motivational post, it's coming just in time on a day where I feel a little overwhelmed with everything I still have to do.

Good morning, @Vandenberg! There's truly no need to be overwhelmed. As we discussed yesterday, write about what you truly enjoy. As long as I have been writing, the process is like second nature to me by now. What kind of hobbies and interests do you enjoy? What are your thoughts on certain social issues? Take a look at writing a post on those ideas and concepts.

The more you write, the more comfortable you will become with writing - it'll be like water off a duck's back. I spent a lot of time on other social media websites over the years, and I learned from others a wealth of information that I simply have to word in my own original context.

You can set aside an hour or two each day to write, morning time seems to be some of the best hours for me (probably because it's unusually quiet.) and block that time off exclusively for writing. Make it a habit and it will stick with you for years to come, just as with drinking water, eating healthy, and exercise. You truly have to work for it if you want it to happen!

Thanks @nexusvortex777, I will definately follow your advise! Lol, maybe you'll become Steemit's resident Life Coach! ;D

Ha, that would be cool to be a life coach, and I'm already studying psychology so who knows?

I think I'd be a great life coach - I give unwanted advice on a daily basis! :P

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